Tune Into Your Heart & Discover Your Truth - Laurel Holland

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Laurel Holland, a Life Coach, Author, and Speaker based in Manakin Sabot, VA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business started nearly twenty years ago when I opened a private practice as a life coach, working mostly with women who were struggling in relationships, in major life dilemmas, or emotionally and were ready to do the inner work to feel confident and clear.

Tell us about yourself

My Life Coaching practice sprung from a combination of events and twists and turned into my own healing journey. The ten years I spent working in a local social services agency counseling folks with addictions and dual diagnoses was a great learning and growing space for becoming a seasoned therapist.

Opening a grassroots women's center after being laid off from a local hospital administration job allowed me to become steeped in peer leadership and group counseling. While I was exploring these avenues of human service, I also became a Tai Chi and meditation instructor and studied energy medicine in various modalities.

I love weaving all of this wisdom together to serve my clients and help them overcome past conditioning and blocks to thriving and finding their own fulfilling life path. I love my work, and that motivates me every day.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

This summer, I published my third and fourth books. I'd say writing feels like one of my biggest accomplishments. I love that I am able to share themes of my work through writing. Creating digital products from what's in my head about how I work with others and how I've done my own healing work successfully has felt truly gratifying.

For the last two years, I've created a podcast, Beautiful Work Beautiful Life, which also feels like a wonderful contribution to the podcast world and makes inner work more accessible, especially for those intimidated by looking within. I loved growing a podcast partnership with my co-host Laurel Boivin as we ventured into this territory.

In the end, it's always been the most fulfilling to be with clients and watch them grow and flourish in their lives, experience pivotal aha moments, and witness the sacred inner work of another.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

There's a lot of pressure that comes with the goal of being "successful" on your own. So many things to learn. So many areas of the role of the entrepreneur to pay attention to. It's been an amazing growth opportunity.

I'm still motivated to find the places within that keep me from moment-to-moment or daily fulfillment, so this path offers lots of chances to look at oneself and ask, "how am I creating this?" and then get to the business of discovering how I may be getting in my own way through my own conditioning. I do the work I invite others to do.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Don't follow the mainstream ideas of what to do and how to become successful. It would be best if you were aligned within with what you're doing, with your values, and with your deepest beliefs. That's a journey in itself.
  2. Get into a group mastermind with other entrepreneurs for feedback and encouragement. Trying to do it in a vacuum is both lonely and self-defeating. Think outside the box here too. For example, my most recent mastermind experience has been with my family, which is comprised of budding entrepreneurs with various talents and skill sets.
  3. Recognize you are your business, so make sure you are doing your own personal work as well as any professional focus, as your blind spots and self-created limitations will eventually show up to deal with. Being proactive is wise.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.liveyourinnerpower.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laurelhollandh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liveyourinnerpower/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurel-holland-96893117/

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