Momprenuers Who Came Together - Laughing Gull Chocolates

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Karla Carey, co-owner, and COO of Laughing Gull Chocolates, located in Rochester, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am one of three women owners of Laughing Gull Chocolates. We use ethically and transparently sourced chocolate and local ingredients to craft our products. Our line includes a wide array of truffles, chocolate bark, layered bites, sauces, and more. Each item is handcrafted and is truly filled with love. Many of our products give back to local organizations in our city. Our customer is anyone who wants a connection to what they consume. Cacao -the base ingredient for chocolate- isn't grown anywhere near Rochester, of course, but we offer an intimacy to the ingredient through education and classes.

Left to Right - Allison Zukoski - CFO, Lindsay Tarnoff - Founder, Karla Carey - COO

Tell us about yourself

I am the mom of a four-year-old- and I've always known I wanted to be a very involved parent. When I met Lindsay, our founder, she offered me an opportunity to bring my son to work while also growing my skill set, social life, and self. I jumped right in. Along with our third partner, Allison, we created a chocolate cafe where parents could come in and enjoy a truffle while their children played. We created a community held up by shared values of family, ethical sourcing, social justice, women's empowerment. Things have changed since the pandemic, we've moved towards more production and shipping and closed the cafe portion of our shop, but the values we share haven't ever faltered. The drive to uphold those values in our community and ourselves has continued to motivate me through all the changes.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Learning how to be flexible. Flexible in communication- owning a business with two other independent women requires us to communicate effectively. Flexible in what the day-to-day looks like- there are days I can move mountains and days where I need to stop and prioritize myself. Flexible in my skills- I've learned how to create a website, craft a delicious cocoa butter infusion, and anything else that's needed for our business to succeed.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Balance and acceptance. Balance is always hard. Life, kids, social opportunities, networking, self-growth, maintaining a household, finances- these will pull you apart if you don't take the time to show each the care it needs. Acceptance comes in when you have to set something down. Accepting that it's okay to do so, it's not forever you can and will pick it back up again.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Know yourself- play to your strengths. Your business is held up by you, and it's okay if it looks different from what another company looks like. I have ADHD. My workflow and processes will always be different from someone else's. Through accepting myself as I am and working with myself, rather than fighting it, I have found better productivity and enjoyment of my tasks.
  2. Outsource strategically- when you have the finances to outsource tasks or components- choose something that is holding you back from pushing yourself in the areas you are most passionate about.
  3. Find your community. Our community here in Rochester is amazing; without it, we wouldn't have succeeded as a business and individuals. As a business, it gives us invaluable access to the support and skills of others. As individuals, it helps to know we are not alone in our struggles- and to have others who will celebrate our successes!

Where can people find you and your business?


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