Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kyle Loftus, founder of The Art of Filmmaking Co., located in Orlando, FL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

The Art of Filmmaking is an online film school teaching creatives around the world how to master filmmaking and entrepreneurship. The courses & coaching are designed to take you from freelancer to FULL-TIME filmmaker as well as learn how to build a 6+ figure creative business & millionaire mindset.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Kyle Andrew Loftus. I run a video production company called Kalvisuals as well as an online film Academy, The Art of Filmmaking, where I help young filmmakers transform into high performers and scalar video production businesses to 6+ figures without sacrificing their personal life with my automation station and 12-step system to scale. I first started my business, the art of filmmaking, after years of experiencing the pains and struggles of a growing filmmaker. You see, when I first started out as a filmmaker about a decade ago, I had no idea what I was doing. There was no one to guide me. So I had to take a lot of steps and be willing to fall flat on my face, pick myself back up, learn from the lesson and keep moving forward. I repeated this process for years. I may not have been the smartest person on the planet, but I’ve always been the hardest worker. I relentlessly applied myself day in and day out. I sought out mentors and coaches. I signed up for online courses and networking events. Fast forward to where I am today, and I now own and operate a very successful 6+ figure video production company. As a result of my journey and experience, I decided to launch the art of filmmaking. I wanted to give back to the community and industry that is giving me so much. I’ve always had a passion for helping others find solutions and just making their lives easier, in combination with my passion for filmmaking, which made launching the art of filmmaking a no-brainer. In The Art of Filmmaking, we focus on helping transform the lives of young, ambitious filmmakers. We teach these filmmakers how to sync like CEOs rather than employees. We helped transform the lives of these filmmakers. We show them how they can build in scale, a video production, company, and Personal Brand to 7+ figures and more if they truly want to. What motivates me to keep going each and every day is knowing that there is someone somewhere out there in the world struggling and on the brink of quitting. They need a little push and the right guidance to get them on track. I am motivated to show up each and every day to help inspire and change the lives of those around me. We are all capable of an infinite amount of impact and possibilities, but sometimes we need an outside voice to help us recognize this, as well as understand how to tap into it.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I think one of my biggest accomplishments as a business owner is starting and launching successful businesses as well as generating more than six figures in revenue. On top of this, I have won awards for some of my films, and those are also some accomplishments. I’m proud of it. But I think the accomplishment I’m most proud of continues to excite me. The most is impacting and inspiring others. I cannot explain the feeling, but knowing and hearing from someone else that you have transformed their life is truly addicting and miraculous. I love helping others, and I will do so until my very last day.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I think one of the hardest parts that come with being a business owner is the sacrifice and the responsibility for one mistake. You see, as a business owner, you are responsible for all your successes as well as all your failures. There are no if so, no answer, and no buts. You either failed, or you succeeded. And you can use this failure as a lesson learned to build off of, or you can let it break you down, but again, that is your choice, and whichever choice you make is your responsibility. You must take accountability for all the successes and failures of your business. You must also be willing to sacrifice. You’re going to have to miss family vacations. You will have to miss a night out with friends. You will have to skip out on concerts. You may even have to miss some holidays. As a business owner, you have to be willing to sacrifice a lot.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Number one. Start yesterday. You will never be ready. You will never be prepared enough. There is no better time to start than now. Anything else you were telling yourself is just an excuse. This goes back to what I was saying earlier. You must take responsibility and accountability. It is time to make the sacrifice. If you were not willing to bet on yourself, how can you expect others to do so? Start today. Decisive decision-making is a vital characteristic of successful business owners. You have to trust in yourself, trust in your direction, and understand that if you do make a mistake, you can adapt, and you will adapt. But it is in the stagnation, and lack of making the decision that your business falters, fails and eventually dies. Being a decisive decision-maker is a key characteristic of being successful as a business owner. As your business gets bigger, the decisions get harder, and therefore, you must be formidable. I am confident in all your decision-making.

My second biggest piece of advice for anyone looking to start and grow a business would be to find a coach and/or mentor. Coaches and mentors are pivotal to growth and success as a business owner. A coach and a mentor will help you save thousands of hours, thousands of dollars, and an immeasurable amount of pain and suffering. Think about it this way, yes. You could learn a new language all by yourself. But you would learn it arguably ten times faster if you hired an expert who’s already learned and mastered that language. Think back to when you were learning to play a new sport. I bet you didn’t just pick up on it right away and know all the rules, all the technicalities, the proper form, etc. you probably had some sort of a coach or guide you showed you the way, am I right? The same goes for business. Find someone who has what you want. Find someone who is in the position you want to be in. See if they offer coaching or a mentorship program and try and learn from them as much as possible. Be a sponge. Absorb absolutely everything. Be curious and ask questions. I can’t tell you how much coaching and mentorship have helped me along my journey. It’s literally immeasurable. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the help of my coaches and mentors.

My final piece of advice is discipline is the answer. So many people talk about motivation and staying motivated, but the reality is motivation doesn’t last. There’s a famous quote. I really love that reading motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. The statement couldn’t be more valid and true. Motivation is a great resource to pull from and utilize each and every day. But just like our willpower in our capacity to say no to things like candy or pizza accessories, motivation also dwindles as the day goes on as well as time in general. Motivation doesn’t get you up in the morning after a really long night. Motivation doesn’t get you to go to the gym when you’re feeling really sick. Discipline is about doing the things you need to do even when you don’t want to. It is in setting up a system of processes that we develop a routine, and it is through this routine or habitual application of our efforts that we see both micro and macro strides being made in regard to the progress of our business. If you wanna start and grow a business, you need to have discipline. They are going to be so many things that try and throw you off your path, and more often than not. You’re going to get knocked off your path. Discipline is what gets you back on the path. Discipline is what keeps you going. Discipline is about showing up each and every day, no matter what. Discipline gets your results. Discipline is the way.

Where can people find you and your business?


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