Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in digital marketing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Adrianna Zakher, Founder of Kordial Media, located in Kirkland, Quebec, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I founded and ran a Pinterest Marketing Agency called Kordial Media (like cordial with a C). We help Shopify e-commerce businesses and influencers drive traffic and sales utilizing personalized Pinterest marketing strategies. We also generate leads for clients via Pinterest ads upon request.

Tell us about yourself

I'm Adrianna! Within 5 years, I've been able to help clients generate thousands of website visitors and sales using Pinterest! I got started with a hobby blog and was wondering how to drive traffic to my content. I tested multiple different platforms until I stumbled upon Pinterest. After implementing a few Pinterest marketing strategies I found online, Pinterest quadrupled my page views in 3 months! What I've learned from designing and implementing Pinterest strategies for clients in various niches is that most people underestimate the potential of Pinterest for business. As much as I enjoyed blogging, creating paid & organic Pinterest marketing strategies for clients is what I love to do when I'm not working out with friends or cooking with family!

What keeps me motivated every day is seeing my clients' businesses grow as a result of our services. It's really rewarding to help others thrive and succeed while getting paid to do it. Not to mention that I really enjoy working with a social platform/search engine that strives to maintain a positive space online.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is the fact that I've totally bootstrapped this business. I'm proud that I was able to grow it from scratch with patience, drive, and motivation to be my own boss and generate an income on my own terms.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that come with being a business owner is that I have to figure everything out myself. No one is there to hand me a blueprint and tell me which direction to go. I make a lot of business decisions with my gut, which can be challenging at times. Of course, firing people is also really difficult for a business owner.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  • The first tip I would give to someone starting a business would be to stay consistent. You have to work at it every day until it starts to roll on its own. Without consistency, your success will inevitably be delayed. It definitely helps to have passion as well in order to stay consistent.
  • The second tip I would give is to make sure you're making some sort of income after 3 months of working on your new business. If you're making money from your business after 3 months, then it's a great sign to keep going. If you're not making anything after 3 months and living off of your savings, it's time to get a part-time job while you work on your business. If your business is still not making any money after 3 years, it's probably time to change businesses or find a full-time job.
  • The last tip I would give someone starting a business is to work smarter, not harder. Just because someone is seemingly putting in 12 hours of work per day doesn't mean they are more or less successful than you. Working smarter is the best way to get ahead. This will look different in every scenario, but here is a basic example of working smarter: You decide to start posting content across all social media platforms every week to increase your visibility as a business. Instead of publishing content manually every day on all platforms (working harder), you can allocate 1 hour per week to creating content that you then schedule to publish automatically (working smarter). That way, you still post content online consistently while maximizing your time.

Where can people find you and your business?


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