Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Katy Bandy, The Mindful Coach based in Napa, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I work as a women's coach & psychotherapist for high-achieving women. I am a feminist AF and feel strongly that a better world means more women who are self-aligned, trusting themselves, and living to their fullest capacity. Mindfulness is one of my core teachings, which I offer both in an online course format and with added individual coaching. I help women cope with stress, anxiety, burnout, and self-doubt.

Tell us about yourself

I am a licensed psychotherapist in California and spent 15 years working in the field of mental health. I was inspired to go into this field because my Mom struggled with severe mental illness. In 2020 I realized I wanted to have more freedom in my work and that I wanted to teach Mindfulness on a broader scale to support women in achieving their goals, self-aligning, and rising in their worlds. I transitioned into coaching in 2022 so that I can serve women in a broader and more flexible capacity and get out of the traditional medical model of work.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I recently quit my day job so that I can go full-time into serving women in my online coaching business! I also built my business during two of the hardest years of my life (COVID, working as a disaster responder for local wildfires, the death of my Mom, and going through a board certification process). Mindfulness got me through it, and I didn't lose sight of my goals.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I always say that I am on this journey of self-alignment as well, and building a business is like personal development on crack (I read that somewhere ;). Putting yourself out there online, standing for something, taking up space in order to call in the clients who truly need your help... that all creates self-doubt. Working through all of that has been both tough and critical.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Learn Mindfulness! Mindfulness has literally given me the tools to manage my thoughts & emotions while building my business. Inner work is what leads to outer results and achievement of goals.
  2. Be patient, and practice trust. Things can't be rushed and happen at the time they need to happen. When we are urgently pushing or clinging for something to happen, it just makes the ride more miserable.
  3. Be very clear on your why. What are your mission and your purpose? If that isn't strong enough, it will be hard to keep going through the dips and rough patches, which are a natural part of the business.

Where can people find you and your business?


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