Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Katherine Danesi, a Business Coach, and Strategist based in Brooklyn, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a Business Coach + Strategist helping high-achieving women level up their businesses with strategies, resources, and accountability to achieve profitable business growth.

Tell us about yourself

I began my career in sales, marketing, and management. For 12 years, I worked at a Fortune 500 company and then at a series of technology start-ups. I have managed teams in sales, customer support, operations, and marketing. I have hired, fired, and project managed. I have launched new initiatives within large organizations and new organizations outright. Ten years ago, I created my own consulting practice working with entrepreneurs with a desire to launch and grow their businesses. During that time, I've worked with small businesses across a variety of vertical markets, including public relations, fashion, luxury retail design, high-end fitness space, healing, wellness, and creativity, among others. Pretty much nothing is off-limits.

Today, my focus is helping female entrepreneurs who've launched their businesses but are stuck somewhere in the process and not seeing the growth they expected. The idea, opportunity, and passion are there, but time is passing. And with that, they're missing out on potential revenue and the satisfaction of having their offerings, whether it's a service or product, reach those who can benefit the most. My goal is to identify the blocks so they can get unstuck and really see the results they hoped for. I love asking questions, researching, providing direction, identifying and removing obstacles and competing priorities, and uncovering the possibilities that are most certainly there. My superpower is deep listening. Seeing my clients' success as a result of our work together is what gives me juice.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

That I have been at this for ten years and still get excited when I start working with a new client, then seeing the lightbulbs go off when they're able to get out of their own way and start having an impact on their business that they knew was possible, but just didn't know how to make a reality. That is a win every time.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

If you're running your business on your own (aka you're a solopreneur), it can be a lonely, overwhelming endeavor. Having someone to bounce ideas off of, ask questions, and share the challenges and the wins are key.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

First, make sure you've got a financial cushion (ideally six months of living and operating expenses), so you're not stressed about money from the start - this allows you to be more creative, take more risks, try things out and make adjustments when you see what's working and what's not.

Second, know exactly who your ideal client/customer is and what problem you solve for them with your service or product. You have to start with this. It may evolve but do your homework so you avoid trying to be "all things to all people. Many entrepreneurs are afraid to "niche down," don't be one of them.

Third, just start. Don't wait until you have it all figured out - because you'll never have it all figured out. You have to launch with your best set of assumptions about your business and make your best attempt. That is when real learning starts. You'll get invaluable input and feedback, which will allow you to refine your offering and perhaps your business model. This is good! Be bold.

Where can people find you and your business?


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