Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Julie Daniluk, founder of Daniluk Consulting Inc., located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

The #1 reason people fail at transforming their lives is a lack of motivation, strategy, and support, and we're here to change that. I created this amazing support group called the Meals That Heal Thrive Hive to provide expert advice from our team of health and wellness professionals and also enjoy the support from your fellow Thrivers so that people can go from "just surviving" to "thriving"! We provide science-backed health solutions with inspiring and effective motivational techniques to help you reach your wellness goals.

Because most people either have the wellness know-how but no motivation or have plenty of motivation but faulty wellness information, we decided to combine the best of both worlds in one highly attentive, experienced, and supportive group of experts and fellow Thrivers.

Tell us about yourself

I have a unique perspective because I previously recovered from chronic arthritis & colitis, overcame an eating disorder, and documented my healing journey into four award-winning books.

After graduating from both The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, I studied culinary arts at George Brown College, herbalism at Emerson Herbal College, and life coaching with Tony Robbins. I also host Healthy Gourmet; a reality cooking show aired in over 70 countries. I am now one of Canada's leading nutritionists, award-winning author, TV host, and anti-inflammatory food & lifestyle expert.

My greatest passion is teaching a global audience about how to embrace anti-inflammatory nutrition to create a new way of eating that is unique to their needs. I call this a "live-it" rather than a "die-it." By addressing emotional eating issues, it is possible to break free of habits that no longer serve us. It took me a number of years to really stop the bingeing for good and heal my gut. My desire to be fully engaged in life began to outweigh the few moments of pleasure I got from tasting something to which I was allergic.

I learned that I could make treats that didn't cause allergic reactions, so now, I have my cake and eat it, too! By listening to my intuition about nutrition, and learning which foods were nourishing, I became a more conscious and caring person. I invite you to create buoyant energy, joyful movement, and Juicy Vitality for yourself!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

It is fun to win awards and appear on popular TV shows, but I feel the biggest accomplishment is the Thrive Hive Support Group because it is a legacy that will far outlive me. I notice that when I teach and share inside the group each week, I am held to a higher standard, and the energy of the group raises up the vibe of the group for the week to come!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

In 2019 I did 52 public lectures and made the bulk of my income from speaking. In 2020, all public speaking was canceled, and I went through a painful financial crisis. The silver lining was our team created our online support group, and now we are back on our feet and building something far more sustainable. It is also able to grow and reach a much more inclusive audience.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Focus on your personal health because it provides all the energy, mental focus, and creative drive you need to create a thriving business!
  2. Find your niche by imaging your ideal customer. I used to try and talk with everyone, and that watered-down my impact.
  3. Capture what you do authentically instead of trying to stage social media.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

When I first started 20 years ago, I spent so much money on a brick-and-mortar clinic. My overhead was high that I felt like I was paying people to see me. My next step was to work under the wing of a wonderful health food store and build my practice slowly. We are all in such a hurry to succeed that we can spend too much money and debt is harder than ever to wear in this day and age. I suggest you focus on stress reduction and living with passion. Your perfect customer will be attracted to your offerings.

Where can people find you and your business?


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