Open and Secure - Joli Hamilton International

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Joli Hamilton, Founder of Joli Hamilton International, LLC., located in Westfield, MA, USA.

Tell us about yourself

I made a huge change in my life in 2009. I shifted from living the boilerplate version of marriage into a creative, juicy life of consensual non-monogamy. But, I did it without the frameworks and support that I needed, so things got messy fast. I studied my way out of that mess- four degrees later, all that struggle has become purpose. Every person I meet wants a love life that feels just right--and that means they need to custom-design their relationships.

I get lit up when I see someone in that struggle because, in their efforts, I see someone working their butt off to feel loved and be loved. But we aren't taught how to love, and most of us don't have very good models of intimate connection. So I help them identify what they really need, listen to their unspoken desires, set boundaries, and negotiate with their partner so they can finally have the intimate connection they deserve. I've had a dozen businesses over the past 25 years, everything from fashion designer to CrossFit box owner, but this one drives me forward in a way nothing else ever has.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Graceful transitions, hands down. I've owned quite a few businesses. The truth is, plenty of them just weren't the right fit for me. When I learned to stop identifying myself with a specific business and begin being a business owner, I was able to learn how to transition out of a role when I outgrew it smoothly. This is the skill that lets me enjoy every stage of business development. Each day I choose to be exactly where I am. This means my clients feel my full presence every day. It also means that I'm honoring myself as a growing, changing person. If and when a role doesn't fit, I know how to come to a graceful exit and imagine a new path forward.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Remembering that not everyone who has a problem wants a solution. It is incredibly challenging to watch a client or an employee painfully struggling, but if they are getting something out of that pain, they may choose to stick with it no matter how easy a solution I have. Allowing everyone I work with to be on their own timetable while also holding them accountable for their work is a daily exercise in mindful living.

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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