Development-Centric Consulting - Jodi Riley

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jodi Riley, Founder of Jodi Riley Consulting, LLC., located in Fort Pierce, FL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are a nonprofit grant writing and development agency with a personal touch. We offer development-centric consulting and grant writing to nonprofit organizations in the United States and international non-governmental organizations with a U.S. funding base.

Our primary customers are small to medium nonprofit organizations with an operating budget of less than $10M. Our secondary customers are funding entities, foundations, and corporate philanthropy organizations that we work with to ensure their grant award process is optimal.

Tell us about yourself

I began my nonprofit sector career in education in 2008. Since then, I have worked in development roles focused on human trafficking prevention, workforce development, fundamental human rights, advocacy, and social justice. I am passionate about the arts, equality, and developing transformational leaders within the nonprofit sector.

I hold an Associate's degree in Human Services, a Bachelor's degree in Organizational Management, and an Executive Certificate in Transformational Nonprofit Leadership from the University of Notre Dame. I am a Certified Grant Writer through the American Grant Writer's Association. My devotion to nonprofit causes is evident not only in my work but also in my service on various nonprofit boards, as well as my involvement in local volunteer projects.

I started my journey as a contracted grant writer in 2016 to help local organizations with their grant writing needs without burdening their payroll. I also worked full-time for a nonprofit organization at that time, so it provided some extra income, and I enjoyed it. During the pandemic, I lost employment and could take on more contracts for grant writing services.

The local need was evident, so I enrolled full-time in grant writing and nonprofit development consulting. Looking back, it was a huge blessing to find myself in that situation because I love what I do! We have grown to a team of 5 and help nonprofits all over the U.S. (plus a few international organizations) gain the funding that allows them to change lives and significantly increase their impact.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is being able to hire other women and provide employment that pays an equitable wage, allows for flexibility, and encourages a family focus. I love letting them have a healthy work-life balance and the flexibility to ensure their families come first. It also sets an excellent example for my own two daughters.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the most challenging components of being a business owner is trying to be and do it all. When you first start, you are doing all the administrative tasks, marketing, financial management, human resources, and providing direct services to clients. It is a considerable workload. The light at the end of the tunnel is that as my company grew, I was able to hire people who could ease those burdens and allow me to focus more on the big picture.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Get your B.A.I.L. team ready- Banker, Accountant, Insurance Agent, Lawyer. You will need all 4 to ensure your company is taking the proper steps and not making costly mistakes.
  2. Focus in I see too many small companies, especially consultants, trying to do too much. Focus on what you're great at, and later on, add in more elements when the time is right.
  3. Set goals- With the help of a business mentor, I created what I thought were lofty goals in my first year. I printed them out, stuck them on a wall in my office, and thought, "yeah, maybe in a few years," but guess what...I blew past every single one of those goals in year one! Having those goals to look back on and know I made it is so encouraging for me.

Where can people find you and your business?


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