Designer, Muralist, & Coach for Designers - Jessica Langley

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jessica Langley, founder of White Coffee Creative and The Colorful Jess, located in Baltimore, MD, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm a designer, muralist, and mindset + pricing coach. I run two distinct businesses focused on bringing color, celebration, and business strategy to brands, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits so they can make a bigger impact.

After being laid off from a design firm in June 2017, I decided I was done with the typical 9-5 culture and went out on my own. I started my design and mural studio, White Coffee Creative, and haven't looked back since! My services, style, branding, and who I like to work with have changed drastically since then, but I'm so grateful for the journey.

After connecting with many other creative entrepreneurs, I started to see the cracks in the industry — such as perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and lack of boundaries. That lead me to becoming a coach as The Colorful Jess. I help creative entrepreneurs build systems so they can work less and make more through mindset and pricing strategy with a bit of self-awareness and magic sprinkled in.

I am learning to balance the two businesses with ease. I am constantly growing and evolving as I learn and experience more.

Tell us about yourself

I'm a creative, empathetic, and learning-obsessed recovering perfectionist who loves dogs, sweater weather, and color (of course). When I'm not working, you can find me sipping coffee (obviously, with extra cream and sugar), bingeing Netflix shows, hiking with my two pups and partner, or dreaming about having a cabin in the woods.

I care about many things, but at the top of that list is that business can be fun. Everyone deserves to get paid, and truly loving yourself is the secret to a fulfilled life. My companies have allowed me to create a life that provides me with flexibility and gives me the freedom I desire — and I believe everyone who wants that deserves to create it. That's why I do what I do.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Ooh, what a great question. I think my biggest accomplishment has been creating a business that reflects who I am at my core. I'm celebrating my fifth business anniversary soon. It feels surreal to look back on all the small and big accomplishments over the years. Don't forget to celebrate yourself along the way!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things I've dealt with as a business owner is finding my community. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed working in different environments over the years with a lot of people, it was a huge struggle when I first went out on my own. I felt lonely — a lot. Over time, Instagram has been my favorite tool for meeting and connecting with like-minded creatives. I've met most of my friends and peers through the platform!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. You do not have to be perfect to get paid. Perfectionism has a hold on a lot of us, especially as creatives. Rather than know we're innately worthy (of money, love, etc.), we convince ourselves we don't deserve what we want unless we do everything exactly right. But, no one is perfect. Behind every business is a human being who is perfectly imperfect and messes up every once in a while. The best thing you can do for yourself is to realize that mistakes aren't inherently "bad." They're inevitable and don't disqualify you from being deserving. So I always say show up fully as you. Own that you're a business owner and a human! Know that every mistake or failure is there for you to take as a learning lesson to grow from. Then build that confidence to be able to charge your value, even when you feel you don't deserve it.
  2. You can say no. Setting boundaries around your time and energy is vital to have a long-lasting business. Burnout is a very real state of mind that many creatives face as they try to play too many roles at once. This leads to my last piece of advice.
  3. Get comfortable with asking for support and investing in your business.
    Asking for help isn't a sign of defeat. We get so used to doing everything on our own, we think asking someone to lend a hand makes us incapable or less than, somehow. But as a business owner, doing everything on your own is a recipe for burnout! Whether you work with a business coach, hire an assistant, or decide to outsource work to other experts, the point is … you don't have to do it alone. I truly believe investing in your business is investing in yourself, so no investment is ever wasted because you will always learn something in the process!

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

If you're looking to connect or work with me, please reach out to me on Instagram! I love chatting in the DM's and having interesting conversations with other creatives.

Where can people find you and your business?



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