Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jake Adkins, Co-Owner of Adkins Family Vineyards, located in Elk Grove, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We own Adkins Family Vineyards and Sheldon Inn Restaurant & Bar. Our two businesses are intertwined since they are on the same 7 acres. Our winery and tasting room provides a high-end wine experience without the pretentiousness you may find in other places. Our restaurant continues with a luxury fine dining experience that surpasses most people's expectations. Our customers come from all walks of life, but someone who appreciates an upscale dining experience.

Tell us about yourself

I thought I was going to be a pro athlete. Since that didn't happen, I quit my sophomore year of college (business major) and worked for our family solar business. I started cleaning the bathrooms, then worked my way up to running the company. I worked in every position, from installation to sales. I was happy to learn more hands-on about business from my dad, who has run it successfully for 40+ years. Since this is truly a family business, my father started the winery, which was always his dream. I got involved about a month after he opened the tasting room. Now neither of us had any idea about running a tasting room as our business before this was owning a solar contracting company; however, what we did know how to do was to be a good host. I then took over the operations and built our wine club following to about 600 wine club members in under 4 years, including the terrible COVID years. Fast forward to today, and we have an award-winning tasting room and wine brand that is rapidly expanding to other upscale establishments like country clubs, fine dining restaurants, and casinos.

Wine and a good meal are great ways to connect with people, which is why I enjoy this business so much. Everyone has lots of different stresses in life. I love that our restaurant and winery have become second homes where people can come and relax and maybe share some wine and stories with friends and family. That is what is important to me and our business.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

For me, I believe that it is creating something of value. Our wine is incredible; however, the real value comes from the experience people get sharing our product with others. Whether that means sharing our wine as a gift to someone or sharing our tasting room or restaurant with them so they can experience it. People celebrate anniversaries with us, birthdays, engagements, weddings, baby showers, and sometimes just the weekly family dinner. I don't feel like there are many accomplishments greater than that where people want to share some of the biggest moments of their lives at your business.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

For me, it is having a hard time turning my mind off of the business, especially as we work to expand. I am constantly thinking of new ideas for marketing and operations, how to make things easier for our staff and increase our customers' enjoyment.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Network with other like-minded people when it comes to business. Do not just get their business card; develop a friendship with them, speak their names in a room of opportunity, and that will more than likely be reciprocated.
  2. Build a team, people you can lean on and count on to help build your business.
  3. Think long-term, don't chase money but think about building value in your product. That is what creates the following, which then makes revenue.

Where can people find you and your business?


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