Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in content creation but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kacie Lett Gordon and Katie Louise Mullins, Co-Founders of IT ALL Media, located in Atlanta, GA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

IT ALL Media is a home for the new stories that define us and conversations women want to have. We envision a world where women are equal and valued architects of the systems that run our lives and are on a mission to walk with women through storytelling and conversation. Our model is stories > inform beliefs > inform actions > inform systems. The power in our individual stories allows us to see ourselves in a new reality, and through conversations, we can make sense of that reality together. We are for the women with a restless discontent for something more, and a bias to create it and are most loved for our original content (podcast, TV show), education (courses, Mastermind, workshops, coaching), and community (events, newsletter).

Tell us about yourself

First and foremost, we're best friends and business partners. Oh yeah, and neighbors. We fully reject the idea that women are petty and you should never mix work and pleasure. Muahaha. Women are told we get to have it all, yet what happens when our 'all' doesn't align with what society says is enough? In November 2020, amidst our respective Fuck It All moments (see podcast:, we set out to ask, "What does it mean to have it all?" In the months that followed, we would sit down with 100s women to ask and answer the same question.

  1. Modern womanhood includes tensions and impossible standards of a stereotypical "it all" that leads to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, unfulfillment, and unhappiness.
  2. A system performs exactly how it's designed to work; life, family, community, and relationship systems were not designed by or for women and/or non-traditional paths.
  3. We cannot be what we don't see; there is a deficit in narratives of women living life on their own terms without judgment or "otherness" in macro society and micro life. And it's with this knowledge, a restless discontent for something more, and a bias towards action that we founded IT ALL Media. Prior to going crazy, err, we mean becoming founders, we had 20+ years combined experience, led 50+ team members, lived and worked in Atlanta, DC, Charleston, Cincinnati, and Thailand, scaled a $10M professional services business and raised over $10M in funding, and were recently named top B2C Startup in 2022.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Building a sustainable business that actively and intentionally combats the toxic hustle culture of tech-bro entrepreneurship. We say we want to be a sustainable company that scales versus a scalable company at all costs. This one is easier said than done, whew!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

How much of the work exists in the unseen? There's so much work - both on yourself and your business - that happens where no one can see. The most important, powerful, game-changing work doesn't get a like, a clap, or a pat on the back. And that's exhausting. We laugh now because it always seems the 'launching' of something is the hardest part, and yet that's just when the work begins. For us both, this is the most personal, intimate, and vulnerable thing either of us has ever done.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Pick the right partner. Don't rush the beginning, and have the hard convos.
  2. Protect your energy like you protect your money. People or things that drain it are not worth whatever it is you hope to receive in return.
  3. Your network is your net worth; nurture the hell out of it.

Where can people find you and your business?


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