Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Michael Raanan, Founder of, located in Tampa, FL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers? was created as a response to massive demand by taxpayers for affordable and trustworthy back tax help. Individual and business taxpayers nationwide use to resolve their IRS back taxes, protect their income and assets, and remove the risk and expense of hiring a so-called "tax relief" company.

Tell us about yourself

In 2004, about a year after graduating college in Florida with a degree in business and information technology, I found myself at a career fair chatting it up with some IRS agents. I hadn't ever considered working at the IRS until the agents informed me that the agency was hiring 1,100 people, and the deadline to apply was midnight — that night. I was immediately intrigued, so that night, I took and passed the IRS's 150-question quiz. Before I knew it, I was flying across the country on my own dime to Los Angeles for fingerprinting at 7:30 a.m., mock phone calls, and a one-on-one interview with the IRS. I was eventually hired and began my yearlong training to become an IRS Revenue Officer. It was my job to knock on people's doors and meet with them in person regarding the back taxes they owed after paper and phone communication had failed. The part of that job that invigorated me the most was talking to people. After finding my passion for helping others learn about their tax debt and how to fix it, I knew I could open my own firm.

Additionally, the eight years I spent at the IRS proved to be some of the best training for the future of my career. Throughout that experience, I had been working across the table with big-budget companies that promised relief to taxpayers, and I saw firsthand their inability to fulfill their client's needs. It quickly became apparent that there was a massive need for professional IRS help. In 2012, I left the IRS armed with the stockpile of knowledge I picked up while working there. Now, after helping taxpayers settle over $500 million in IRS debt, has quickly become the #1 tool for taxpayers with back taxes.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Without a doubt, the most rewarding part of having the privilege of being a business owner is helping all stakeholders involved, including our clients, team, referral partners, and all others whom we are very fortunate to work with.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The challenges started on day one. As with all new businesses, we were faced with the challenge of finding new clients, telling the world that we exist, and effectively and consistently serving taxpayers with the highest quality of IRS tax services possible. Although we've been at it for over ten years now and have been fortunate to see a certain level of success, we are still faced with regular challenges that keep us on our toes. What keeps us motivated, however, is the positive feedback from taxpayers and knowing that we're making a positive difference in people's lives. That alone reinforces the fact that, as the Captain of the ship, I'm on the right track and inspires me to continue moving in the right direction.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Customers are the top priority, and they will tell you exactly what they need and want. Be sure you're listening. Hiring like-minded members as part of your team will help you serve customers and do so with the highest level of customer service possible. Finally, ethics and professionalism are everything. Never compromise on either.

Where can people find you and your business?


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