Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Carol A Santella, Owner of Interviews To Fame, located in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Interviews to Fame and C&G Consultants. I assist successful entrepreneurs with strategic results-oriented Power of Positioning, accurate representation, and increased 3rd party credibility and visibility so that clients are easily known, liked, and trusted to attract a consistent flow of pre-qualified clients & mutual opportunities.

Tell us about yourself

What motivates me each day is to be blessed to be a blessing so that I am best able to help and serve others, in addition to animals (especially dogs), as they are a passion.

To best explain how I got started would take me back from current day to childhood when growing up experiencing my mother’s love and many abilities, especially her amazing cooking and incredible green thumb, coupled with spending precious time with my maternal grandmother, watching her as she enjoyed and knew how to prepare the freshest of vegetables also creating wonderful dishes. In addition, I grew up with a father who was an entrepreneur my entire life.

Since childhood, I always knew I had a love for cooking, gardening, photography, nature, people, and animals, and I was extremely passionate that people treat each other and animals well. I always have put myself in “others’ shoes,” feeling empathy or compassion and wanting them to feel better. I became known for my natural and inherent way of connecting with, complementing as well as recognizing and acknowledging others.

Years of work and life experiences, including some pretty tough betrayals and misrepresentations of who I am by others, and always being passionate about quality customer service, led to my drive and passion for accurately representing my clients so that misrepresentation did not exist for them and that quality treatment was and is always given to them. In addition, being able to offer them varying ways to share their unique selves and the legacies they’d love to leave to as many as possible as become a specialty.

I was selected from an early age for positions that involved innovation that continues to this day. As you will see, all of the above is reflected in and have contributed to what has become my professional life throughout the years. I owned and operated a restaurant and catering business for several years, became a top consultant in the hospitality industry for some time, am a multi-disciplined natural healthcare practitioner, owned and operated a natural healthcare and education center, founded and operated one of the first lymphatic centers as well as creating multiple health systems from yeast-related disorders to home lymphatic techniques. I founded BodyVision™, a very successful healing system that remains to this day one of my most loved works that I still practice, along with participating in joint ventures and founding other companies such as C&G Consultants, most recently with Gina Mama Epps, who adds her great knowledge and skill, particularly with the best platform I trust and believe in: LI.

I am a right-hand advisor and positioning consultant, as well as a publisher, and I am a best-selling author, strategist, radio show host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol™, covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. I am a contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters, and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; I’m world-renowned for my Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning™. I am the founder and operator of The Listener Network™, which now encompasses my health, communications, publishing, and business consulting work.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Being able to hear the hearts and see what my prospects and clients often do not hear and see about themselves, their work, and their dreams and then being able to best assist them with clarity and insights that have propelled them for their best success. It is really connecting with their hearts and reasons, goals and dreams for who they want to reach and help and assist them in understanding that being in business is about serving others (not all about ourselves). Once we as business owners truly “get that,” it offers the greatest impact and success for many.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Staying focused and consistent. It’s extremely important, especially in times when life, as it can be today, can add so many additional responsibilities and concerns.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Always listen, ask questions, and know the “language” of your clients, customers, and/or patients so they can be best assisted to reach their greatest success, healing, and growth.
  2. Know your numbers. They are vital to your success.
  3. Be an educator and advocate for the success and well-being of your clients, customers, and patients.

Where can people find you and your business?


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