Spiritual and Holistic Psychology - Inner Light Psychology

Spiritual and Holistic Psychology - Inner Light Psychology

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in mental health but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kimberly Hamilton, founder of Inner Light Psychology, located in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Inner Light Psychology is a counselling service that is geared towards people looking for something less conventional. As a Registered Provisional Psychologist, I am trained in the traditional studies of a psychology program, but what makes me different is my belief in a variety of healing modalities and practicing what I preach. Long before becoming a Registered Provisional Psychologist, I took my 200-hour Yoga teacher training and my Reiki Level 3. My own healing journey has many aspects to it, including many-body and spiritual-based practices, such as craniosacral, subconscious imprinting, and acupuncture. More recently, I became an Akashic Records Healer and also incorporate Akashic Ancestral healing into sessions. Not everyone will resonate with these practices, but those who do are often the ones who are my clients.

Tell us about yourself

My journey to becoming a Registered Provisional Psychologist actually began while I sat as a client during a very difficult time in my life. I was inspired by the depth and breadth of the work and healing that occurred during the sessions. My experience as a therapist began while I was working in private practice. Although I loved the work I was doing, I slowly began to realize I wanted to create a business that was different.

Every day with clients is different, and that's what I love. When I was a teacher, the first day of school was always my favourite day of the year. There was excitement, passion, and a sense of new beginnings. This is what I feel every day I work with clients. I am incredibly grateful for their trust and openness. I love supporting people as we work through deep trauma or while we tap into spiritual healing, it lights me up when clients start to feel better or when they have had a breakthrough. The passion I feel for my work now is every better than on the first day of school!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

For me, the biggest accomplishment as a business owner is starting a practice that resonates deeply with who I am as a person. I firmly believe in the mind-body-spirit connection and have accessed all realms as part of my own healing journey. Building a practice that creates space for people to experience similar types of well-rounded, deep healing brings me enormous joy and gratitude.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

For me, one of the hardest things about being a business owner is getting comfortable with marketing yourself. We spend most of our lives being told to be humble and reserved, to be modest, and not draw attention to ourselves. However, starting a small business, you have to put yourself out there; you have to show the world what makes you different and stand out. You are constantly shining a spotlight on yourself and your services and asking others to choose you over others. It is hard to let go of this old programming and become comfortable and confident in self-promotion.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

When I look back at how I started, I am incredibly grateful to have been surrounded by other successful entrepreneurs. The first thing I would offer anyone looking to start a business is to surround yourself with people who have that fire as well. Even having a conversation with the coffee shop owner or massage therapist may yield some tidbits of advice.

Another tip I would offer is to ask questions and look at others in your field. I was very fortunate to have friends who had started their own practices and could ask them questions. I am part of a social media group where other psychologists and provisional psychologists ask a variety of questions. Being part of that community, I've been able to learn from their mistakes or experiences.

Finally, get clear on what your vision is. For me, I knew I wanted to cultivate a practice very different from the typical psychological experience. I often say I "wave my freak flag" on my website, highlighting my holistic way of being because I firmly believe that some people will resonate deeply with my message. Those are the clients I aim to attract. I am not everyone's cup of tea, and I want to be authentic and real. My vision was clear, and it has definitely helped bring in the kind of clients who are excited and open to what I can offer them.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.innerlightpsychology.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066237353559
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inner_light_psychology/

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