Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in marketing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Natalie Nicole, Founder of Impackedful Creative, located in Dallas, TX, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business, Impackedful Creatives, serves entrepreneurs and small businesses who want to make an impact on their audience and on the greater good. Our job is to help attract and engage the right audience with impactful brand tools that visually capture the strength of who you are and the value you provide. We donate a portion of our profits to organizations that support those in need, enabling your brand to be a part of impacting the greater good.

Tell us about yourself

I founded Impackedful Creative with the goal of doing more than just helping brands strategically stand out and positively impact their bottom line. I built this company to truly unleash creativity for a cause. By combining my passion for branding with my desire to help those in need, Impackedful was formed to help businesses make a strategic impact both in their industry and in the world.

Here's my story and motivation: In 2018, I felt a calling to go to Africa. My family thought I was crazy. I didn't know anyone in Africa or the mission group I decided to join at the time. It was a big leap of faith, but if you ask me today, I would tell you it was the best one I could have ever taken.

As my first trip to Africa was coming to an end, I reflected on my experiences and was inspired to create a business that would continue impacting the villages I had encountered. It was a light bulb moment, and I felt I had stumbled upon my true purpose.

Upon returning home, I started Impackedful Creative with the hope of connecting brands to the greater good. I combined my passion for the creative world with my desire to help those in need. I resigned from my full-time marketing and creative role, moved across the country, and embarked on this new adventure, knowing I wanted nothing more than to provide hungry bellies with food, leaving them saying, "I'm packed full."

Why? Because I believe it all starts with food. A malnourished child is likely to have an incredibly hard time staying healthy, learning, or providing for themselves in these villages. When a child receives a meal, they are then able to gain the skills they need to thrive. This belief led to the creation of Impackedful partners, and we donate a portion of our profits to FMSC, an organization I have volunteered with since I was a little girl, and Children's Cup, a partner with care points in Africa, to first feed, then educate, empower, and provide medical attention to those in need.

At the end of the day, it's not about how much money Impackedful makes. It's about how big of a positive impact we can help make.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Hosting a community event with my business that's providing 50,000 meals to those in need.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Finding a balance between social life and shutting things down each day is one of the hardest things. When you love the work you do, and you're passionate about helping others, it's easy to work long days. There's a fine dance between learning to prioritize your work, your mental and physical health, and your social time and ensuring you're delivering the best results you possibly can for your clients. Routine, task lists, and SOPs are my saving grace! In addition, having a supportive partner who respects my time and work is huge.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Take the time to study your craft and formulate a process that you can effectively execute with. Putting a process in place and systems to run your business with is crucial for staying professional while growing.
  2. Surround yourself with other business owners. The odds are that if you don't know the answer, someone else will be there. Let me tell ya a little secret... no one has it all figured out!
  3. Stay true to you! Don't get caught up in the latest "expert-said advice" preached on social media. You have to know what works for you, what your boundaries are, and how you're going to stand out from the competition. Dive into business books and podcasts, and study successful business owners, but don't get caught up in the comparison game. Find what works for you, and execute. There will never be a perfect time or a perfect way, but you'll make a way.

You can connect with Natalie Nicole:


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