Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with JD Garrick, Managing Partner of Illuminated Extractors, located in Fort Collins, CO, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are an equipment manufacturer that builds hydrocarbon extraction equipment primarily for the cannabis and hemp industries.

Tell us about yourself

I have been focused on the newly emerging market for the last decade as an entrepreneur owning and starting several businesses in the space.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

We brought to market the world's largest hydrocarbon extractor with several unique features currently patent pending.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Managing cash flow appropriately. No guarantees with our business when revenue will come in, so we have to stay nimble and ensure we can operate with a low overhead at all times.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be ready to become a jack of all trades. No task should be considered too small to learn.
  2. Always push to learn as much as you can. Knowledge is power; the more you know, the more successful you will be.
  3. Stay positive at all times. Never burn a bridge with anyone, no matter what happens, and never let your employees see you sweat.

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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