Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Lisa Pelo, Founder of Hot Blown Glass, Ltd., located in Clayton, IN, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Glass. Hot-blown glass. Glass art is my passion, my creative being, my business, my income, and my whole way of life. Glass sparkles with all people, so whether it is the very first one-of-a-kind $30.00 gift item purchased and gifted or kept as their first collectible or whether it is a custom-designed multi-piece wall or hanging glass sculpture with or without hand-formed metal inclusions, my client and customer base ranges through all socioeconomic ranges.

Tell us about yourself

The need to be creative is my drive. I have always loved all art forms. Identifiably, I was creating different media for children younger than 10yrs old. I took all art classes in elementary school and beyond. Even taking art classes in summer school. When working with hot glass as an elective was an offering in college at BGSU (Bowling Green State University) in Ohio, I knew this medium was for me.

There is no other art medium like it. I continued for two more years at BGSU to get my BFA with a specialty in glass. I knew I'd never work in production for someone else. I also knew a master's teacher at the college level wasn't for me either. I dreamed of my own studio. To be a glass artist, you must have an artist's mindset in color, color complexity, color theory, an in-depth understanding of form and how it speaks to the viewer or collector, the flow of the presentation, the ability to finish and exhibit, and so much more. Then you must make the glass, with all of its elements, speak with all of this internal artistry.

I strive to be this artist working with glass, but most folks only get to be glass technicians... as another artist or boss dictates what is created. So, to make my studio take its first steps... I worked one job, then one job plus a part-time job, then added another way to create more income to collect funds to start the goal of acquiring equipment, tools, and networking in a local startup glass studio @ the Indianapolis Art Center.

In the background, my home glass studio is being formulated, planned, and developed. My two worlds, for a while, had to run parallel. The transition to my own studio solo... was terrifying. But here I am, through all the good times and bad economic woes. I never wanted to be a mega-business—just a solo glass artist creating for my and my clients' pleasure. That is all.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I am a single, creative, driven, and inspired glass artist and no one is bogging me down with being their caretaker when it is not reciprocated.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Taking down an unscrupulous shop or gallery owner; learning to stand up for myself when I thought I selected a trustworthy person to represent me and my artistry but found out they were just looking out for themselves, i.e., not paying me, having to confront a shop owner to pay me for my work they sold or broke, or finding out a shop was only interested in my work to "decorate" their retail space or home!

Hearing that a retail location that sold my work closed, and the shop owner never called to have me come pick up my work, allowing a shop owner to have my work already packed down to rotate inventory and later discovering that it contained broken or missing artwork; or a gallery owner who did not understand the glass blowing processes and allowed their commissioning client to push me around for more and more custom work they were not paying for.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Expect to work long hours alone and be prepared to do so.
  2. Do not let people tell you that you can't! nor let them persuade you to take a break because they lack your drive to succeed.
  3. Stay true to your artistry. I know who and what I am as an artist, and I won't copy or steal from another artist just to make it. In the world of glass art, I have my own stylistic persona that I have spent years developing, which is why I am called on to create for individuals and corporate clients. My style is my own.

Where can people find you and your business?


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