Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Alicia Hood, Founder of Holistically Centered, located in Temecula, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I have three businesses, and my clients are anyone who is ready, open, and want to do the work to heal. My main business, Holistically Centered, focuses on helping adults heal spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. I offer a range of services that center around each client individually and where they are on their journey. Through energy healing, beyond quantum hypnosis, past life regression therapy, inner child work, ancestral healing, shamanic journeying, psychic mediumship and channeled messages, spiritual counseling, sound healing, mindfulness, gentle parenting, holistic therapies, herbology, whole food plant-based nutrition, and ayurvedic medicine, I work to center and bring balance to each individual so they may live more deeply rooted in Self and connected to God/Source.

My second business, Mindful Conscious Kids, came to be because of my own children and their journey. I teach specialty classes to children, such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and herbology, as well as offer spiritual counseling sessions to work on all areas, such as depression, anxiety, and self-worth. Children don't come with as much trauma, and my goal is to help them stay rooted in what they intrinsically know but deepen their connection with Self and Mother Earth. I also hold monthly maiden circles; kids sound baths & meditations, and parent-child workshops.

Loved and Lit is my newest business that pours everything I know, love and do into one little package that anyone can purchase and use in their own home for healing. They are intentional candles with very specific purposes. They are on my website,, to learn more about them and purchase them.

Tell us about yourself

I grew up here in SoCal and have always had a deep connection to the land and nature, and a deep wisdom within about life guiding me connected directly to Source/God/Great Spirit. Holistic Healing has been woven within everything I've ever done over the past 40 years of my life. Every few years, I had a major pivotal point of life lesson, information gathering, and milestone that I collected into my toolbox. Over the last 10 years, everything came together that forced me to dive deeper into myself than ever before, face truths from my past, and see ancestral wounds that were playing out in my family lineage and what my role in all of this was. I became a mother, which is a beautiful rite of passage. I finally found the strength to end a toxic marriage after years of gaslighting and narcissistic abuse. I healed myself and my family lineage, stepping into my power. This was the final piece for me to bring everything together, and it propelled me to create Holistically Centered. My goal was simply to guide and help others live a life centered on holistic health, from the emotional and spiritual side to the physical (through Ayurveda, herbology, and whole food plant-based nutrition). I feel so incredibly honored, humbled, and grateful to see my purpose here on Earth. Being able to help others realize their gifts and heal themselves motivates me every day to continue doing what I do.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is truly just taking that chance on myself to know what my gifts are and to share them with the world. It is extremely vulnerable to share gifts that many may not understand nor approve of, and I am proud of myself for doing that.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The hardest part of being a business owner is selling myself, marketing, and finding balance. When I meet people, I don't like to push what I do. My business is solely from word of mouth. I am someone who is very in the moment (and not tech savvy!), so therefore, I'm not taking pictures or videos of all that I do to share through social media. Constantly creating and posting relevant content on social media to stay at the forefront is challenging. I'm a single mama to two beautiful daughters whom I homeschool, so I am always mindful of the balance between them, teaching, myself, and helping others. In these challenging moments, though, I learn the most and grow.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Hmm...I would say to go for it! Trust deep within yourself, take the risk, and don't be afraid to share your gifts with the world.

Where can people find you and your business?


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