Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Avital Schreiber Levy, Founder of Hi, Fam!, located in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Hi, Fam! Helps parents build an unbreakable home, create a passionate marriage and raise resilient kids. Our students are parents from all over the world looking for the tools, insights, and support they need to create a strong family culture.

Tell us about yourself

My business began, as so many do, with an answer to a need I myself had. As a first-time mother, I had the sense that I was "messing up" as a parent but also the hope that "there must be a better way." I found that the biggest changes to my life as a parent were not whether or not I breastfed, sleep-trained, or made organic baby food from scratch: but rather the internal mindsets and beliefs I held about myself, my partner, and my child. I now have five children and over a decade of parenting under my belt - and I believe passionately that parents need to treat themselves like leaders. Like CEOs. As parents, we need to show up for our families day-in, day-out for decades. As such, we deserve the training, the motivational talks, and the pragmatic tools that all leaders need. And that's what Hi, Fam is here to do. We believe that each parent is creating the world of tomorrow - and that how we raise our children is how we change the world. We're here to support parents on that challenging, complex, and essential endeavor and hopefully help them enjoy this project of their lifetime: raising the next generation.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Beyond any financial metrics, the most satisfying aspect of our business is the flood of tear-jerking messages we receive from our students regularly. When a struggling parent sends you a note of thanks, detailing how your work has improved their mental health, their bond with their child, their child's behavior - or any other aspect of their life, it's powerful stuff. We hear from couples who have saved their marriages from the brink of divorce, from single mothers who feel equipped and supported, from parents with children who face special challenges - that our work has made a significant difference in their lives - it's exceptionally meaningful.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The responsibility to my team. If I make poor decisions, it affects not only my family but the family's of several team members. That's a lot to take on.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. To Start a business: Create a product you yourself need or want.
  2. To run a business: Use the Profit-First method by Mike Michalowicz.
  3. To grow a business: Market to an audience that is both willing and able to buy from you.

Where can people find you and your business?


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