Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Helena Phil, Mindset and Fitness Coach in London, UK.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a Mindset Coach that specialises in the following areas: Mindset, Spiritual Coaching, Health & Wellbeing, and Personal Growth Coaching. I am also a fully accredited Personal Trainer that offers online Training designed to tailor to my client's needs. As a strong believer in training both the Body & Mind and experiencing the positive results it has, I added Mindset Coaching coaching to the previous certificates I had gained in fitness throughout the years. My clients are people who want real, long-lasting results that help them grow as an individual, both Body & Mind. I work with people who are ready to invest in themselves and willing to work without using excuses. I do not support quick fixes; instead, I offer the real deal, long-lasting results, and educate people the right way. With my Mindset services, I turn people from their best versions into the ultimate authentic selves they were intended to be. I act as a mirror for them to see their sabotaging behaviors and eliminate them in the long run. As a result, I have helped many people, both physically and mentally.

Tell us about yourself

I once was obese, I suffered depression and low esteem, and I decided enough was enough. I had a job I resented and had no direction for where I was going; I began eating more healthily and exercising more. As a result, I shed over six stones, and people who knew me saw the difference and, at the same time, were inspired to follow my lead. This was my starting point in taking up fitness as my profession, and I never looked back. In the process of starting my fitness journey, I also began a journal that was valuable to myself and my mindset. Little did I know that my journal for my personal achievement would come later on the go on becoming a practice that I wrote a book.

I added additional certificates in Life Coaching combined with my psychology background and saw I had a gift for mirroring people's weaknesses and turning them into strengths. Working for myself, I had to learn to utilize my time more efficiently, be more organized with my surroundings, and not waste time on stuff or people that were not worth my time. As a result, I mastered this, and I am more able to see my strengths and work more on mastering them so I can be better for myself and my clients. If you're going to talk the walk, learn to walk it with two feet firmly on the ground to keep you grounded to offer the best services you can, I say. I have also written four books and been featured in the national press, sharing my expertise and experiences: here is a link to my Press on my website.

I have also shared my stories and knowledge through public speaking in Cyprus, Germany, and the UK.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Defiantly getting results for my clients, whether that is losing weight, having a better mindset, to educating them for the long run, is just priceless.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

When a loved one is sick, and you need to take care of your priorities- I recently was nursing my late father and prepping for a body-building competition at the same time. I had to pause and restart throughout to accommodate his needs. Also, when people waste your time, simply wanting to drain you but not investing in sorting themselves out.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Marketing is key- ensure you are uniquely marketing the services that make you stand out from the competition.
  2. Leading by example, especially in the field I am in, I ensure I am in shape to show others they can do the same in the long run.
  3. Honesty- by letting clients know it is a halfway alliance and you don't possess a magic wand.
  4. Know your field to keep in your lane and grow your expertise.
  5. Train your mind to be creative rather than competitive.
  6. Believe in yourself and your vision.
  7. Start small and basic, and the rest will follow as you get more established in your chosen field.
  8. Have a business plan in place, including any setbacks, to be prepared financially.

Where can people find you and your business?


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