Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Erin Gehner-Smith, Life Coach of Happy Life Life Coaching, located in Seattle, WA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a life coach, and I work with individuals, couples, families, and other relationships. Clients could seek my services for a number of reasons, but broadly speaking, they usually need some support in their lives, either going through a transition (personal, relationship, career, etc.), and they need help figuring out their path and how to move forward in their life. I help them gain clarity on issues and, ideally, find happiness and satisfaction in their lives. When working with two or more clients, I work with them on their relationship and how to make that relationship mutually satisfying, healthy, and positive. I can work with clients virtually anywhere in the world or in person if they are in the Seattle area.

Tell us about yourself

I've always loved supporting other people and helping others find their true happiness. After my son left home, I began a Master's program in Couples and Family Therapy. Along the way, I realized that I preferred the freedom and flexibility of being a Life Coach, which allows me to work with clients as I feel will serve them best, and without the burden and hassle of needing to cater to the insurance companies. I love meeting new clients and exploring with them what will help them to find true happiness in their lives.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I think getting started as a business owner is probably the most challenging part. Just figuring out what type of business entity you should form (whether LLC, sole proprietor, etc.) and jump through all the hoops to make it happen. But my biggest accomplishments are when I can see real progress in my clients and have them thank me for helping them lead more authentic and satisfying lives.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Probably one of the hardest things about being a one-person LLC is that you are responsible for every aspect of the business, from advertising, prospecting, bookkeeping, and appointment setting. I usually file my own taxes as well, so just being able to wear all those different hats and keeping everything organized is great!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

I would say first, do your research. You need to understand which type of business entity will best serve your needs. Keep notes on what you find out so that you stay organized and can keep track of your progress. For example, in most places, you need to file for multiple licenses, like city, state, etc. I would also suggest reaching out to others who have started businesses similar to yours in your area. Most people are happy to support you and give advice on what worked for them. Before I started my business, I contacted other life coaches in my area, and they were all very supportive and gave me great tips on how to get started. And give yourself breaks. It can be a lot of work and become overwhelming at times to start a business, so make sure you are giving yourself some downtime as well and a chance to recharge.

Where can people find you and your business?


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