Liberation at Its Finest - Guinevere Stasio

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal and business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dr. Guinevere Stasio, an author, money & business mentor, and thought leader based in Dunbarton, NH, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a woman on a mission to break the mold, stand out on purpose, and lead women home to their truth. As an empowerment coach and embodied leader, I help female entrepreneurs become purposefully powerful by kicking the checklist to the curb, learning to love all parts of themself, and creating the most epically aligned and abundant life and business.

Tell us about yourself

Growing up, I used to have my younger sister be my voice. She would ask where the bathroom was and order my food for me. I skirted through life, making sure not to draw any extra attention to myself. But by the time I got my first job as a Doctor of Audiology, I began realizing that if I didn't speak up, I wouldn't get what I wanted. Upon returning to work after maternity leave, my boss called to tell me that he was reducing my salary. This was unexpected and, honestly, maddening. It was also at this time that a business opportunity landed in my lap, but I was going to have to be a little bolder; I was going to have to start to speak up for what I believed in. I made a deal with myself that I would work hard on this business on all of my off hours, and when I matched the income I was making at my office job, I would come home and work for myself. Three years later, I had achieved my goal, and I quit my job as a Doctor of Audiology. This was just the beginning. I looked around, and I realized that a lot of women wanted the freedom to work for themself, but most had tried and "failed." They had followed strategies, read books, and purchased programs but still felt they were missing something. This was when I realized that the power was not in the strategy or the how-to; the power was within. My own journey of healing old beliefs, going inward, and coming home to the most authentic expression of myself led me to create my coaching business that helps other women do the same. When I started to lead myself and stand in my power, I saw the ripple effect amongst other women in my world. And as more and more women started to stand in their power with me, the ripples got bigger. What I know to be true is that every woman is powerful and that every woman has the capacity to create a massive impact and income in this world by owning that power. Women are taught that putting everyone else first is an act of self-love. I believe putting everyone else first is abandoning the very vessel that holds all the power. As more women stand in their power, we raise the collective energy of the world and in our own lives.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is honestly my authenticity. I am the exact same woman online as I am in person, and I believe that says a lot about my leadership. I'm also pretty proud of my first book, Pivot To Purpose; leave the stress behind, do what you love, and have more fun. This is my baby and truly the loudest my voice had ever been in the world. I was given a mission and a message, and I'm proud to grab the megaphone and shout it out to the world.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner is that a lot of people won't understand you. They won't get your message, they won't jive with what you're saying, and they will feel the need to put you down. Learning how to hold my ground and stand in my truth has been one of the most difficult, but at the same time rewarding, parts of being a business owner.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Know who you are first. Take the time to dive deep into yourself. To peel back the layers, to truly discover who you are and what you value in this world. Because as a business owner, this will be tested, and unless you are solid here, it can be very easy to give up.
  2. Don't take it so seriously - have more fun! Life is meant to be lived. Honestly, the best ideas and creative content come to me when I'm actually living life and doing the things I love.
  3. Hire a mentor. Even when you're just starting. Even if it doesn't make logical sense because your business isn't bringing in money yet, hire someone who will be a mirror for you. Who will help hold you accountable to your word, and who will help you see yourself for who you truly are.

Where can people find you and your business?


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