Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Teodora Koprivica, founder of Gramina LLC., located in Saint Petersburg, FL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Gramina is a business that specializes in CBD and Hemp. We produce entirely natural hemp products. We complete the entire production from the cultivation of industrial hemp through the processing of hemp, the production of finished products, to the distribution itself. So all our products are from seed to shelf.

My mother and I started this business seven years ago in Serbia, which is very traditional and not friendly towards the cannabis plant. The road was very thorny, and we had to deal with all the legal regulations and myths behind the cannabis plant.

Fortunately, we give credit for our success to our customers, who pushed us day by day, giving us reasons not to give up! These are the people who use our products to make their lives better, easier, and more quality. Our products allow them to have a quality sleep of 8 hours every day, less stress, less anxiety, and more energy and focus during the day. There are also many other benefits that our clients have experienced during the continuous use of our products, such as relieving chronic pain, alleviation of inflammatory processes, reduction of negative thoughts and depression.

Tell us about yourself

As I mentioned, my mom and I started this business in our kitchen. Thanks to our loyal customers, we have managed to build premises and hire people who have the same beliefs as us, and we were able to spread this story to the American territory. Since Serbia is very strict regarding hemp, we saw an opportunity in the American market, where we can help even more people.

Our mission is to show people that EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE. Our motto is to reach the impossible! Not only is this our motto, but we also live that example. I came from Serbia (very small and poor) to America with very little knowledge of English and knew nothing about doing business in America. Everything we do, we believe in the power of our thoughts.

We believe that with an empowered mindset, you can achieve the impossible! The way we strengthen your power is by making you feel stronger with entirely natural, high-quality products. There are many frightened people who have been taught to go by the rules society has imposed on us. We strive to help people get rid of limiting beliefs, reach their peace of mind and body, gain clarity and be unstoppable with our CBD products. This is what the whole Gramina team believes and lives, and this is what drives us every day to get out of bed!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest success right now is that I have given people jobs and our customers' freedom of their thoughts! Serbia is a country with a high unemployment rate and having a permanent job is a privilege. I am very happy that we are expanding and every year, we have more and more happily employed people who complete our mission and vision with their energy.

Also, we made a product - CBD oil - that gives many people relief in every way! It calms racing thoughts, relaxes the body and mind, and balances the body.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest thing is that we are in this industry which is relatively new and unexplored. We experienced two closures of the company, and we went to court. All because it is not clearly regulated by law, and to be clear, all our products have less than 0.3% THC. So the hardest thing for me is to deal with unforeseen circumstances, stay calm, and not give up when it's the hardest. Instead of focusing on the problems, FOCUS ON THE SOLUTION.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Knowing your WHY and hiring people who believe in the same thing you believe in. When you know your WHY, and when you have people who are in complete agreement with it, there are no problems and obstacles that can stop you. Motivation drops, inspiration disappears, but your WHY never. Being honest with yourself, your employees, and your customers is the main thing.
  2. Work on your mindset. If it is possible to do this before you sail into entrepreneurial waters, it would be an ideal option because there is an 80% mindset and 20% systems and strategies in scaling your business.
    This means that you need to get rid of your limiting beliefs and work on your thoughts, self-confidence, and ego. If we don't put ourselves in order and accept ourselves as we are, it's hard to become true leaders and lead our own people, let alone inspire people to buy from us.
  3. Start working on your business and not in it. We are small businesses, we look at work as our baby, and it is hard for us to break away. It's hard for us to trust someone to do it for us, but the business can't grow if we don't. You need to have a bigger picture, which is impossible if you are still packing, answering the phone, doing marketing, visiting stores, and selling every day.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I believe that the time has come for small businesses and that there will be more and more of us now. Don't look at the competition, because it will always be there. Don't compare yourself to others and copy what others are doing, or scold yourself if you haven't achieved it yet. Everyone has their own timing and is authentic in their own way. You're special! So show it! Of course, try to be better and better and spend your energy on your self-improvement, not looking at others. Know that you have no competition if you relax and be authentic.

Where can people find you and your business?


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