Journey to Gluten-Free Wellness - GeeFreeLiving

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kaitlin Gee, founder of GeeFreeLiving LLC., located in Portland, ME, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

GeeFreeLiving - home of gluten-free wellness is warm, welcoming, and supportive. My enthusiasm to coach and provide informative health support is my greatest passion! I support people in their Gluten-Free living journey whether they are newly diagnosed with Celiac, have found out they have a non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and need to change their diet & lifestyle. I have helped mothers that children have Celiac or food allergies and learn how to navigate life. My children are truly what inspired me to do this work along with my own diagnosis of Celiac. I provide consulting services that range in 1:1 support, group coaching, event planning, hosting local events, and raising awareness in my local and virtual community.

When someone has their medical team, very often they are given their diagnosis, but there is not the support in everyday life with something like Celiac, where truly almost every aspect of your life shifts. Social events, grocery shopping, safely preparing meals in-home shared with wheat products. Having a coach like myself is what I wished I had seven years ago, so I created it!

Tell us about yourself

I wear a lot of hats- by day, I am a Project Manager at a global corporate pet health company. By night in 2019, I was blogging. I had created an Instagram page of my gluten-free travels I was going on for work and highlighting Portland, Maine, where I live (which is a foodie city). I share my passion for cooking, dining, and all things Gluten-Free. When I started receiving a lot of questions from people looking for support after diagnosis, I realized that there was a real need for a "Gluten-Free Coach."

I am a mom to young twins, and in their early food days, we discovered that each of them had different allergies (egg and tree nuts). So navigating my Celiac diagnosis, new mom, allergies, and life - I realized that all these experiences truly could help other people. This is what motivated me to start my business because I am compassionate, empathetic, and I have lived it!

My professional background has helped me as well with communications, project management, and corporate event planning. My business has also been a creative outlet for me; it doesn't feel like work!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner thus far has been hosting 7 Gluten-Free events, which almost 230 people have attended in total, and being able to donate over $1,000 to local non-profits in my community!

Dining out was one of my biggest fears when I was first diagnosed. Getting "Glutened" dining out is one of the worse feelings, and sometimes avoiding social events due to this fear was not a way to live. Gaining the confidence and ability to self-advocate is huge to overcome this. Being able to host Gluten Free events providing a safe place to eat, with a full gluten-free menu and opportunity to ask questions, enjoy a meal with a loved one and be a part of a community truly fills my heart with so much joy and continues to drive my passion for this work!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Some of the hardest things that come with a business owner are balancing it all and wearing all the hats. Launching a business in the middle of a pandemic, going back to school to get certified as an Integrative Health Coach all while working a full-time job and being a mother and wife. It has been hard, but I am so proud of myself and so grateful for the support from my family. I think another thing is you really have to invest so much time, funds, and energy into your business, and sometimes it can feel very overwhelming. Having a network and community truly help with this overwhelm and creates a safe place to ask for support, feedback, and opportunities to learn and grow.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Find a community of like-minded individuals. I joined a Women's Networking Group, a local business networking group where I was connected to a mentor and connected with other women in business in my area.
  2. Timelines and Business Plans. It doesn't have to be written in stone but gives you goals and dates to achieve for your business path. Dates can change, ideas can change, but having that foundation is key.
  3. Continue to learn and pivot. The past two years have taught us how to pivot and be agile; it has turned ideas into reality (like my gluten-free events) and seeing how virtually we can come together as a community and learn via webinars and attend things that I never used to be able to because I had a commute or couldn't fit it in my schedule.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Practice daily gratitude and physically write down your goals and dreams. More often than not, I look back at something I had written down three years ago, and I have either accomplished it or I see the growth and opportunities I still have. This motivates me to be a better human!

Where can people find you and your business?


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