Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Gabrielle Brazil, owner of Gabbie’s Sweet Tooth, located in Ottawa, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Gabbie's Sweet Tooth all started back in February of 2021. While a lot of businesses in the food industry we're going downhill and closing because of COVID, I decided to open my own! My business is located in the comfort of my own home, so most of my orders are pick-up which works great during COVID. At Gabbie's Sweet Tooth, I sell a variety of specialty cookies that change based on the season and on special events. I bake cookies from raspberry white chocolate to s'mores to Oreo cheesecake and make sure that every single one I sell will satisfy all my client's cookie needs.

My clients are basically anyone who has a love for cookies! I bake a lot of orders for birthdays or special occasions. In my early business days, most of my clients were close friends and colleagues from college. Still, with the power of social media and the help of my comrades, my business grew. People I had never met were now ordering my cookies.

Tell us about yourself

A bit about myself! I'm Gabrielle, a college student from New Brunswick with a love and passion for baking. I've spent most of my life in my mom's restaurant, which gave me a taste of what it's like to work in the food industry. I'm now studying at la cité collégiale in dental hygiene, which is where the name Gabbie's Sweet Tooth came from. Because of COVID and all its lockdowns, I was baking a lot but didn't really want to eat everything I made cause, trust me; I would make cookies for an army. It was at that moment that I decided to try to open my very own at-home bakery. My number one goal is to spread my love of cookies and to make these bitter times a little sweeter! I know that every bite that my clients take of my cookie will be a bite of happiness, and that's what makes me love my job.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

As a small business owner, my biggest accomplishment was the one that got Gabbie’s cookies name out into the world. During the apple season, I got to sell my cookies at Orleans Fruit Farm for about a month. During that period, my cookies would sell out within an hour every weekend, and clients would come back for more which, as you can guess, is very rewarding for any business owner.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest part of owning Gabbie's sweet tooth for me is balancing school, sports, and my business. It is extremely time-consuming to keep up with social media posts and orders in the busy seasons, but it is all worth it because, at the end of the day, I love what I do.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

The first tip I would give is not to be scared of asking for help when you need it. In my case, I am horrible at taking pictures of my product, but it is essential that I have high-quality images to sell my product, so I have a lot of help from friends who have a talent in that domain.

The second tip would be to branch out and not just rely on social media to grow your business. Farmer's markets are the best word to mouth kind of marketing, and I personally think any small business should try it out.

The third and final tip would be not cutting corners, especially in the food industry. Prices of ingredients have gone through the roof. It would be very easy to replace higher-priced ingredients for a lower-priced one ( swap butter for margarine). It is important not to lower the quality of your product. Clients expect and trust that what they are buying is superior to your competitor's products.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Starting a business may take some time, but it's crucial to remember that the process is not a race; it's a marathon. It's important to celebrate any small victory and learn from the losses.

Where can people find you and your business?


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