Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kyle Jones, Founder and CEO of Future Compounds, located in Las Vegas, NV, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are Future Compounds, a community-driven CBD Brand that provides Ultra-Strength, High-Dose products that actually work! We put our community first and focus on positively impacting people’s lives through CBD and corresponding hemp cannabinoids.

We are going against the conventional “game plan” of the existing market, now providing a real dose with real therapeutic benefit and making a genuine difference. “Without breaking the bank,” we provide products with 100,000mg, whereas most other CBD brands offer 1,500mg products. We have decided to be “the outlier” of the CBD industry, and we are carving a lane that greatly needs to be created. Clinical research also supports our current dosing strategy, and it is unfortunately evident that other brands have been under-providing for their customers. We’re not conforming to the standard CBD brand business model and are here to make a real change. “The tribe has spoken”!

People who purchase our products are just like US, “true consumers” in need of “real relief,” and that’s what we provide. Anyone taking over-the-counter prescription medications for pain, anxiety, seizures, depression, PTSD, Parkinson’s, and many other major/minor disorders… is who can benefit most from our therapeutically dosed products.

Not only are we approaching our product formulations based on the clinical research data, but we’re also doing so in a cool and transparent manner. We didn’t want to be the standard “Wellness Brand” or be the next “Snake Oil Salesman”… we wanted to be different, authentic, and unite a community of people with similar core values. We are a family and a CBD brand that resonates with people like us… real, and in need of true relief!

Tell us about yourself

Great question! We are a team of career cannabis cultivators, extractors, consultants, and operators. Throughout the last decade of work in the cannabis industry, we have consulted, worked, trained, and developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and national products for many businesses, including the largest corporations in the industry. We didn’t agree with most companies' practices regarding product efficacy, their employees, and the lack of care for their customers.

Finally, at a tipping point, we accumulated our life savings, stopped consulting for other firms, and went to forge our own path and CBD community. That’s why Future Compounds is a labor of love and compassion focused on simply doing the “right thing” for the industry and its consumers.

What motivates us is very simple, the people! The overwhelming testimonies we receive from individuals expressing how our products have changed their lives, saved a loved one from a major injury or disorder, and provided deep relief in their daily lives… is what gets us up in the morning. We believe that without a clear purpose and deep desire to develop “better” and encourage change… a business is empty and pointless. We are on a mission to make an impact and help others!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Simply the fact that what we do and the products that we provide are making an impact in people’s lives. There is no keynote speech or revenue goal that would equate to a bigger accomplishment. We get to make an immense impact every day, and that’s an ever-lasting accomplishment!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

We can’t stress this enough, simply do “good” business consistently. Many business owners lean on whatever strategy provides the quickest revenue increase, even if that means cutting corners or providing a less-than product or service. That strategy usually causes a business or brand to fade over time and be beat by lasting communities of authentic cultures like ours. It’s absolutely harder to do the “right thing” when you know that your competitors do not.

While it may seem to take longer to achieve your goals this way,
we’ve realized that authenticity and making the “right decisions” will lead to true success and a long-lasting business. Be true to your core values, always provide good business, and you will succeed!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be Authentic. We’re in the “Age of Authenticity,” and everyone is tired of the standard “elevator pitch” approach. Your consumers, potential business partners, and clients want to know they can trust you and have faith in your judgment. YOU are your business.
  2. Be Dynamic. It does not matter how much funding or resources you have if you are unable to identify flaws and changes that need to be consistently adjusted. Markets and consumers are consistently changing, you need to be able to adapt, or you won’t succeed.
  3. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Comfortable will never get you where you want to go. Being objective, identifying possible wins/losses, and making solid business strategies are all important skills, but none of that matters if you aren’t willing to accept the challenge and battle the inherent unknown risks that come with owning a business.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Get out there, and try, fail, learn, evolve, and enjoy the journey. Appreciate the little wins more than the big ones. It’s the thousand little details that will truly build experience and lasting success. Operate with good intentions, be consistent, be ferocious in the battle ahead, and have fun while doing so! #FutureCompounds

Where can people find you and your business?


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