Take Your Story to the Next Level - Foxx Editorial

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in freelancing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kathleen Foxx, Founder of Foxx Editorial, located in Niagara, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Foxx Editorial is a fiction editing service for authors who are either self-publishing or indie publishing and some who are aiming for traditional publication and really want to put their best foot forward when querying agents. I offer structural (big picture) edits, stylistic and copy edits (more of a micro-level), proofreading (mostly for an indie publisher), query, pitch, synopsis critiques webinars, and brainstorming sessions. I run a writing podcast called #badasswriters to help emerging writers gain knowledge and experience from established authors and industry professionals and apply what they learn to their own writing and publication goals. I have a monthly newsletter to keep my clients and any other interested folks updated on my services, upcoming webinars, the previous month's podcast episodes, #MoodPitch info (I'm the co-founder of this biannual Twitter pitch + moodboard event), and other exciting news.

Tell us about yourself

I've always edited in some capacity in my previous work, but it wasn't the main focus until I made the official switch in 2021. I took the leap to start a freelancing business and do everything I could to be successful. Being an editor allows me to combine two of my biggest passions: writing and helping people. I love the creative aspect, I love storytelling, and being in a coach or mentor type of position has always given me great joy. I'm motivated by the satisfaction of helping others because I know what it feels like to be excited about a project—something you've created and worked hard on. Getting it out into the world is a scary process, and I'm here to help make it a little less terrifying.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My first eighteen months of being in business have been nothing short of amazing. It's grown substantially, and I've been able to help so many creative writers on their path to publication. Because of my dedication, professionalism, and initiative, I was asked to be part of the hugely popular The Shit No One Tells You About Writing podcast team as an audio editor, and I was also selected as the contract proofreader for Rising Action Publishing Co., a Canadian indie publisher that is doing incredible things. My #badasswriters podcast is also such a great experience. I'm consistently booked for interviews about eight months out now, which is mindblowing. I love that I get to talk to authors and publishing pros from across the globe and bring their insights to my listeners to help them on their writing journeys! Something else I'm grateful for is that I was asked to be the primary co-chair for my local Editors Canada branch in 2022, as well as the International Representative on the Crime Writers of Canada Board of Directors. It is such an honour to be involved in all of these things. None of it would be possible if I didn't put myself out there! As a business owner, you must be willing to put yourself out there and engage with others. Always be learning, and don't be afraid of making mistakes or trying something new. Network and socialize!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Juggling all the things! Sometimes it's hard to stay on top of it all, especially when I have a few client projects on the go. The trick is to ensure there's time in every workday to accommodate everything so that it's split up and not overwhelming. I'm also a writer, and all of these things are a priority, so ensuring there's the time every day, or on certain days each week, for each item helps me to manage it effectively. It helps to have colour-coded blocks in a digital calendar, which can also send you reminders when it's time to move on to the next task.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

First, I'd say do the research before you take any further action. Make sure you know what you're getting into, see what your peers are doing in similar businesses, and have a plan. You always want to think ahead in terms of growing a client list and keeping them interested in services they'll find beneficial. Do your research on fees so you can start out on the right foot, and don't undersell yourself.

Secondly, you need to engage with clients and potential clients. Have an active presence on social media--there's no way around it in today's world. It's essential to be visible, and it helps with spreading the word about your business. Someone you interact with today could become your next new client. Don't be pushy, but get out there and network. Don't just market your business, have meaningful interactions with people. Join in discussions. Ask service-related questions. Get to know people and what they're looking for. Be friendly and professional.

Lastly, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Think outside the box, brainstorm (one of my favourite things to do!), do things that will benefit your clients, and have fun with it! Offering webinars to educate your clients on things you can provide knowledge and expertise on is a great way to build your client list and bring in some revenue between big projects. It keeps you active in the community and keeps your name out there. It also allows clients to access you and your skills from anywhere in the world.

Bonus Tip: Don't look at anything you do as a failure. You grow by learning and trying new things. Sometimes that growth is small, to begin with, but if you keep at it, you'll start to see growth and success!

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://foxxeditorial.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxxeditorial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/foxxeditorial
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathleenfoxxwrites/

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