Curiosity Inspired Learning - Forest Play

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dave Verhulst, Co-Founder of Forest Play, located in Canmore, AB, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Forest Play is a nature connection program based out of Canmore, AB. Our business was established to help people to become truly alive and connected to nature, self, and others. We work with parents, children (ages 2-15), teachers, educators, and others who know we learn best when we are curious and having fun! We emphasize experiential and play-based learning through sensory awareness, wilderness living skills, and active contact with the environment.

Tell us about yourself

I had the good fortune of spending a lot of time outdoors as a child and young adult and was happiest playing in fields, forests, lakes, and rivers. These experiences were foundational in building a strong connection with nature and set me on a path to pursue outdoor leadership, education, and guiding as a profession. I started my career in the late '90s guiding river trips, hiking, and Nordic Ski experiences and then focused more on interpretive guiding because I could see the power of local stories in helping people connect with the place. I was introduced to the concept of Forest Schools in Scandinavia in 2010 when my daughters were toddlers, and I was motivated to create experiences for them that were outdoors, playful, and that provided ongoing opportunities to build their connection to nature because I knew that was crucial for their mental, physical and emotional well-being. I couldn't stand the idea that they would spend most of their days indoors in a day home or pre-school, and I took a risk to start Forest Play when my job with Parks Canada ended in early 2012. My daughters are now teenagers, and I remain motivated to continue with the work of Forest Play because I see how important it is for local families and their children. I also am keen to share what we have learned with others who do similar work and facilitate workshops for teachers and other professionals who want to connect children with nature.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Forest Play works on long-time scales (some children stay in programs for eight years +), so accomplishment is sometimes hard to measure, but when we get feedback from parents about the positive impact of Forest Play on the lives of their children, we know we are doing something important.

Here is an example of one from the start of the pandemic that we found really moving: " I just wanted to express my gratitude to you and your crew for getting Forest Play up and running so quickly. My daughter has been struggling with isolation, all the time indoors and on a screen, and this is the best mood she has been in, in a while. It gives me hope that when this is all over, we will have our creative, outdoor-loving kid back." ​S.B., Canmore

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Being a business owner of Forest Play means I get to be outdoors having fun with children many days of the week, but I also need to do all the behind-the-scenes work - administration, financials, managing conflict and challenges with children, staff, etc. Due to the fact, I am outdoors most days; I find myself spending some long nights on the computer getting the necessary work done to keep the program running. During busy times, this means exhaustion is a regular state that requires more management the older I get.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Choose something that you care about and value deeply - if you don't care enough about what you do; you won't have what is needed to carry you through the tough times.
  2. Ask for help- there are always people further along the path than you. Seek them out and humbly ask for help. These people remain my biggest support when I run into difficulties and challenges.
  3. Be ready and open to growing personally. You will be challenged on many levels, and that will require a willingness to question and explore who you are and to work through aspects of yourself that will be difficult. This growth will make you a better person in the end.

Where can people find you and your business?


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