Florist of the year (literally) - Jayne Pugh

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in floristry, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with florist, Jayne Pugh founder of Jayne Pugh-Flowers by Design, located in gorgeous Paphos, Cyprus.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to where you are today...
My business background is sales and marketing. A local horticultural college was promoting "floristry" and encouraging mums to start new careers with government grants... that was in 1998 and I've never looked back since...I have recently been awarded with "Florist of the Year 2021/2022" for Cyprus....
What motivates you each day?
When you have built a business up, you just want it to grow and grow... motivation is key to success. I love my job as much as I did when I was a student. I now have my own teaching school to share my knowledge and passion of floral design.
What makes your flower business stand out?
My floral design studio is situated in the center of a Cypriot village. I am inspired by nature and the beautiful properties here in Paphos, my designs are individual to my clients requests. I studied interior design which also plays a big part in "Flowers by Design", my hired stock can sometimes take up more room in the van than the flowers. My customers want someone to care about their requests, not just "put flowers together".
To what would you attribute your entrepreneurial success?
I believe keeping in touch with trends (thank you pinterest), never being complacent and focusing on growth has led to the success of my business. Media on facebook, instagram, an excellent website and how you and your team present yourselves while working at venues is very important. Never under estimate how your company image gives you that professional edge.
What is the hardest thing that comes with being a business owner?
I think one of the hardest things that comes with owning a business is cash flow, especially here in Cyprus. We are very reliant on tourists and wedding season. As a florist we do have peak trading times, but there are also very quiet times which we must always be aware about.
Where can people find you online?
If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solopreneur that you'd like to share then email, we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.
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