Enrich Your Drumming Experience - Satori Drumming

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dominic Calzetti, owner of Satori Drumming, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am an online drumming entrepreneur - I help drummers of all levels and styles, specifically with the element of creativity in their playing.

Tell us about yourself

I knew that the 9-5 corporate job was never for me, I didn't want to come to the end of my life, having spent most of it doing something that I didn't like doing. This inspired my wife and me to look for less traditional ways of making a living, modes of living that would free up our time and allow us to work remotely and live wherever we liked. We studied a lot of methods for creating online businesses, and decided that we owed it to ourselves to give it a shot. I am naturally creative - I'm a drummer, and I've always had the dream of being able to make a living out of it somehow. I feel blessed to live in this century with our technology - where I can turn my creative passion into a business that sustains me and allows me the freedom to live where I like. I am eternally grateful to simply be where I am right now, and to be able to do what I'm doing. I love what I do. I think we all take for granted the fact that we are alive right now. I had a very close call with death a few years ago, and that (eventually) gave me some perspective on how I want to live. And that is; not half-heartedly. And so that's part of what Satori Drumming is for me - it's a way for me to live more wholeheartedly, more intentionally - while at the same time helping others to do the same. Drumming is an incredible creative pursuit. But I think the magic is often missed. My ultimate goal is to help people realise that drumming can be a vehicle through which they experience life more richly and intensely.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Getting started!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I would say it is the so called work life balance. They say its not work if you love what you do. And I think that's often the trap that I've fallen into, which leads to burnout. My wife helps me ALOT, she has been and continues to be invaluable, but aside from her, I have no team. And so finding the balance between getting up and going after it and not losing sight of the bigger picture, the so-called 'less important' things in life. At least thus far, I'd say that has been the most difficult challenge.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. You don't live forever; so stop stalling and decide whilst you still can.
  2. If you can look upon everything as an opportunity to learn, nothing will stop you.
  3. Be careful of the people you surround yourself with: don't listen to those that pass judgements but aren't in the arena themselves- no matter who they are, especially family. Surround yourself with people that support your growth as an individual. But don't be afraid to go it alone, it's best to have no-one by your side, rather than unhelpful and unhealthy people. In this day and age however, it's easy to connect online with people who are in the exact same position, people who will support you and encourage you to just go for it.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.satoridrumming.com/

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