The Happy Medium Approach - Eclipse Therapy

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Rosalie Prendergast, Managing Member of Eclipse Therapy, LLC., located in Evergreen, CO, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are Eclipse Therapy, LLC, a small, quality-driven, and human-first Behavior Analytic practice! Over the last decade, we have fine-tuned The Happy Medium Approach (HMA). The approach and Eclipse supports individuals who are typically "lost in the system," meaning their presenting challenges do not fit neatly into a current framework of services. Many individuals who benefit from HMAs frameworks are individuals with high intellect and languaging abilities and challenges with emotional regulation and flexibility. These incredible individuals often have challenging behavior that limits their ability to access traditional talk therapy and general education classroom, but too many skills for other therapies or affective needs school placements.

HMA supports the individual, caregivers, and context to create unique frameworks that support the individual in reducing challenging behavior, increasing emotional regulation, and forwarding movement towards valued living from their perspective. In essence, HMA strives to create a unique box for the individual rather than trying to teach the individual how to fit into the boxes that we create as a collective society. They are uniquely them, and it is ok to step outside of the box!

Tell us about yourself

I started out in this world by providing therapeutic horseback riding for children. I was leasing a horse and was asked to support, and I found myself loving it!! Then right after college, I was working for adult group homes and day programs when Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) fell in my path. While out on an excursion with the adults I supported, I saw a flyer for a family that needed in-home support for their child and that training would be provided. I called and went on an interview and fell in love with the family of this adorable little 2-year-old. Next, I found myself receiving some state-of-the-art training in Applied Behavior Analysis from a wonderful Neuropsychologist and BCBA-D. ABA felt like home to me! It is how my brain works, whether I am supporting animals in my riding days or humans now with HMA and the Eclipse team.

We always strive to put the person first and deploy the best science possible to support them toward what is important in their eyes. The Happy Medium Approach began because what we were doing was not resulting in valued living for a few of our clients, who were falling through the cracks in all the systems. Through perseverance, ingenuity, and a willingness to apply ABA differently, we found frameworks and strategies that were successful for these very deserving individuals. Our driving force is to see that individual step confidently into their own with skills that support them in gaining autonomy and access to areas of the world they value.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The greatest accomplishment of Eclipse is our team! We are a very small group of clinicians who have similar values and work together, supporting each other's weaknesses and highlighting each other's strengths! This is followed up very closely by the creation of The Happy Medium Approach, which is a kind, compassionate, trauma-informed, flexible, and human-first application of Applied Behavior Analysis. We are so proud of how HMA supports individuals, caregivers, and context by breaking the mold and stepping bravely outside the normal box.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

That is a loaded question! I want to say being a clinician pretending to be a businesswoman! But really, the most challenging area for me personally is staying true to our company values and desire for quality and human-first services over serving a greater number of individuals. The ABA industry has exploded, and so has the opportunity for growth and the need for services. Maintaining our quality of services, highly competent clinicians, and serving a smaller number of individuals has been a monumental challenge.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be brave and hold on tight!
  2. Don't relent on your values!
  3. Be willing to break the mold! Being different and creative leads to amazing adventures!

Where can people find you and your business?


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