Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Taylor Chaney, Founder and CEO of Dig it! Coffee Co., located in Las Vegas, NV, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Dig it! Coffee Co. is a social enterprise coffee company serving the Las Vegas community! We are NOT your typical coffee shop. Dig it! opened in September 2022 and provides competitive wage job opportunities for adults of ALL abilities while serving some of the best locally roasted coffee in town.

We envision a thriving community built on inclusivity, equity, and kindness. Through coffee and connection, we offer a new perspective on what inclusion looks like in the workplace. It's more than a cup of coffee…
It's inclusive.
It's impactful.
It's an experience.

I am so proud of what we've created. An inclusive place for our community to interact with adults with disabilities and have an experience that might just change their hearts or perspective. It's also a place that not just values differences but celebrates them! Providing equal and competitive wages for all of our people. I hope we inspire other business owners to do the same. Our people truly just want the same things we all do to find purpose and value, be independent, have coworkers they enjoy, and work in a positive, inclusive work environment. Our customers are coffee lovers!

Tell us about yourself

My little sister Lindsay was born with down syndrome, and we're only 16 months apart; I've never known life without her. We've always been very close, but her transition to adulthood was very difficult. I had so many opportunities at my fingertips - what college did I want to go to? Did I want to travel? What career did I want to have? For my sister, her future looked very different than mine. She didn't have a choice in opportunities. I wanted more for her - more than a daycare, more than being just a case with a number. I wanted her to have the same opportunities to learn, grow, make new friends, find more purpose and fulfillment and have some fun!

That's when I created The Garden Foundation, a nonprofit serving adults with disabilities. Our vocational training program started to serve coffee to those in our office building. 5 years later, here we are, opening a coffee shop and serving customers from our very own place! My sister and her peers are who motivate me every day to do what I do. I get to see our people find value, purpose, and fulfillment in work, and there is nothing better than that.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is providing a positive, inclusive work environment where people truly love their jobs and love coming to work.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

ALL of it's hard! The worry, the long hours and still not getting everything done, the weight you wear on your shoulders knowing that people depend on YOU for their livelihood is so challenging.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. BE IN LOVE with what you do that you would do it for free. You may just have to do it for free at times. If you love it enough, you keep going and get through the hard stuff. If you just 'like' it, it's not enough.
  2. Invest in your people. People are the most important piece of your business. If they don't feel valued, have proper training, and enjoy the place they come to work every day, you will find yourself investing more time into fixing problems, consistently hiring from turnover and poor customer experiences.
  3. Know that it takes time. This is the hardest one! Patience and belief in what you're doing will have to carry you at times, but you just have to start and adjust from there. Just because things don't take off overnight doesn't mean they won't. Be consistent and patient.

Where can people find you and your business?

Instagram (Personal):
Instagram (Company):

If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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