COCO Crafted Organic Chocolates - Deborah Torr

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Deborah Torr, owner of COCO Crafted Organic Chocolates, located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business is COCO Crafted Organic Chocolates & Ice Cream, located in Baby Point in Toronto. We make small-batch, hand-crafted chocolates and ice cream, sourcing the best organic ingredients I can find. I take great joy in creating new flavours and combinations. Our customers are local and worldwide. Generally, once customers have tried our products, they order repeatedly, even if they move away.

Tell us about yourself

I love working with chocolate...but more so, I really enjoy making people happy and bringing a little joy to their lives. I was in design, and a client invited me to a chocolate workshop. Then I started doing it part-time. From then on, I knew that for me, it was the perfect melding of creative pursuit and something that could make a living for my family and me. It is enjoyable to listen to customers' wants and needs, and if it melds with mine, to get creative with it and make something, both will enjoy. Being creative with food can be so rewarding. When it works, it's awesome; when it doesn't…well, back to the drawing board.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Probably getting to know my customers. After ten years in the same location, I can honestly say that I know all of my customers really well. It is not unusual for someone to come in for chocolate and stay to chat for a while. When I became very sick a few years ago and had to close for a while, the community rallied around and did a fundraiser. Many customers came in and offered their services for free. Anything that would help out. From working in the shop to doing errands for me. People regularly ask how I am recovering. That, I will never forget.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

I think at first, getting over the fear of having to deal with people. I am really a shy person, but owning a business has really brought me out as I really didn't have a choice. It was not something I was accustomed to, and as a shop owner, you're almost like a bartender. People come in and want to buy chocolate, of course, but also want to update you on their families, tough or good times they are going through. And I listen and partake because I genuinely care.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Be honest. Be kind. Listen. You want people to accept who you are, not someone you pretend to be for the business. Honesty is always best. People are not stupid. They can tell.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

It is very rewarding to have a small business. For sure it is very hard work for little pay. Don't think that going into business is going to be a life of luxury because it's not. I've made much more money working on Bay Street, but it did not feed my soul at all.

Where can people find you and your business?


Photo By: Lisa Murzin

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