Demystifying Personal Growth - De lo que Quiera

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Yaramtia Patricia, Founder of De lo que Quiera, located in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

De lo que Quiera is a journey of Honest Personal Development with an integrative approach, embracing three areas: self-care, relationships, and manifestation. I like to refer to my audience as a community of people who are on a quest to learn how to apply personal growth teachings in real life. Who are tired of feeling that existential void even though they have conquered what society has told them. In general, they are people who are in "the middle of life" with many conquests and failures but with a thirst to live in a more authentic way. Those who are willing to be agents of transformation in their lives and to become the protagonists of their stories. This means: healing their bonding story, owning their true desires, taking conscious action on them, and learning to take care of themselves along the way. This results in more satisfied people and, therefore, a more favorable impact on their environments.

Tell us about yourself

I integrate the sacred and the mundane in pursuit of a meaningful and authentic life. I have a B.A. in Social Communication, specializing in Content Generation. Although I actually consider myself a demystifier of personal growth. I started my path of personal development at a very early age, awakening my curiosity about spiritual matters at the age of 14, after having lived through different changes, challenging situations in my family environment, and experiences associated with visions and perception of energies.

At the age of 19, I found my way through the Sacred Feminine when it was not yet a subject that was talked about naturally. I started facilitating Women's Circles in 2005 and workshops since 2010. In 2011, at the age of 27, tired of a period of excesses, of the city dynamics, and after having lived a very strong emotional break, I went to live in a forest reserve in southern Chile, the main center of Cóndor Blanco. For 8 years, I dedicated myself to inner healing and received training to awaken gifts within the Path of Self-Knowledge in full contact with nature, growing in community and with the direct guidance of my root teacher, Suryavan Solar.

In 2015, seeking to overcome an unrequited love, and with the wound of rejection on the surface, I started the project De lo que Quiera, initially as a blog to empty my thoughts and express my reflections. When I realized that my experience could be an inspiration for the people who read me, I gave it some form, and De lo que Quiera became a platform for self-knowledge, personal development, and spiritual search, supported by the pillars of pleasure, awareness, and presence.

My passion is to teach, so in a simple and accessible way, I will share with you what I have learned in my life journey, demystifying personal growth, accompanying people in their inner search processes, and offering them a refuge of inspiration and tools so they can access their personal power in a genuine and applicable way.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The greatest achievement I have made is to demystify not only what is related to personal development but also the way of working. I have learned to create content through the state of flow, which allows me to work an average of 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, and dedicate the rest of the day to good living: sharing with loved ones, studying, meditating, being in contact with nature, taking care of my safe space.

Having the freedom of time and decision, I can work from anywhere in the world, which allowed me to migrate to Brazil in 2020 and grow my business in the midst of the pandemic, without overexertion, by knowing how to listen to what my community needs and give them the best I have to share. This has been the result of 10 years of providing individual and group mentoring with pleasure, awareness, and presence.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The greatest difficulty, in the beginning, was transforming a hobby into a business, learning to value my experience, and understanding that putting it to service could also bring me a financial return.

There is also the issue of professional bereavement. For example, working in the area of corporate communications and events and moving on to dedicate myself 100% to working with personal development implied receiving a lot of external criticism. I had to trust my intuition and my aspirations to move forward and take on the life I wanted for myself.

And finally, learning to accept failure as part of the entrepreneur's journey. Not everything I have launched has paid off. I have had to test, adjust and sometimes give up on projects that I was excited about but that my audience was not interested in.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

It takes resilience, dedication, and sometimes, not taking it so "seriously." The entrepreneur's path is equivalent to that of the adventurous explorer. We transform ourselves and change the route as we go along. But beware, we do not need to embark on this adventure alone. Weaving a secure support network and a group of collaborators that complement and strengthen our service is key for our business to be sustainable over time and transform ourselves without burning out.

Where can people find you and your business?


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