Made for the Modern Woman - DashBar Salon & Med Spa

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal care but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Carla Oliva, Founder of DashBar Salon & Med Spa, located in Miami, FL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

DashBar is a one-stop location for everything Beauty and Aesthetics. We cater to the modern woman who has active careers, lifestyles, families, and everything in between.

Tell us about yourself

Since the beginning, I have been committed to being more than just a one-stop shop. I decided, rather than just take the idea of bringing everything under the roof, I wanted to take the idea one step further, asking – how can we make these services more efficient for consumers? Women spend a lot of money each year on beauty services, and we felt that that money and time should be valued more.

I started to look for salon furniture which would allow for multiple services to be performed simultaneously and seamlessly, but there was nothing on the market. That's when I had the idea for the PollyDash Chair, which is my patented design. I worked with a designer for about 18 months to create the ultimate piece of furniture that was not only seamless and efficient but comfortable for the client and aesthetically pleasing too! I like to think of the PollyDash Chair as the Rolls Royce of salon spa furniture. It's so luxurious and comfortable. I wanted women to feel like they were receiving the ultimate pampering experience.

The Dash Bar offers collective beauty packages, from which clients can choose one of three main services: a Hydrafacial, a blowout, or lash extensions. Simultaneously, clients can enjoy a manicure and pedicure, all done in under 60 minutes. As well as our salon and spa services, we are introducing medical aesthetics to our business model. So, women will also be able to add on additional services related to wellness, such as an IV and vitamin therapy, which can happen at the same time as the collective experience. We also offer Botox, Fillers, Microneedling, as well as specialized body contouring services to reduce fat and cellulite, which are very popular in Miami right now.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

As with any business, there can be challenges along the way. Being able to pivot has been vital to our growth. I think it's important for any business owner to look at these challenges as a way to figure out a solution to what you can do that is better for your clients and your business model. It's been difficult but certainly worth the journey.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things as a small business owner is learning to prioritize your time. You have to wear multiple hats in order for your business to thrive, and that means easily getting caught up in having 60-80 hours work weeks. That's not sustainable and will result in getting burnt out! Learning to balance your work priorities with your personal health and happiness is the key to longevity.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. I have always found that surrounding yourself with other like-minded individuals gets your creative juices flowing. Meeting other entrepreneurs and exchanging advice and ideas is rewarding in so many ways. It lets us feel a sense of community amongst others who can relate to what we are going through.
  2. I also believe that in life, we are ever-evolving students. We are so lucky to live in a digital era where any information is at your fingertips. Education provides the tools you need to help you learn how to cope with problems, grow your business, and make adjustments to improve your overall strategies.
  3. PIVOT, PIVOT, PIVOT. I think it's important to be flexible in your approach. So many entrepreneurs have failed because they are so set on the original strategies that they don't evolve with the times. An idea can be great, but if it doesn't resonate with your audience, then it's important to understand why and change your approach. Pivoting to incorporate things you've learned along the way is the best approach to having lasting power.

Where can people find you and your business?


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