Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Shannon Medina, owner of Crafted Sugar Shop, located in Santa Ana, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Crafted Sugar Shop creates handmade desserts and one-of-a-kind looks for all ages! Not only do I create unique versions of foods like the trending hot chocolate bombs, breakable chocolates that range from hearts to animals, and video game controllers, but I also bake delicious signature cupcakes, donuts, and sugar cookies! Crafted Sugar Shop has catered to local events for birthdays, weddings, and more. However, I didn't stop there, I also ship to all fifty states in the USA, and now I even coordinate and organize my own pop-up events with other female business owners.

Tell us about yourself

On June 4th,2020, I became a mother to a handsome special needs boy named Oliver. In October of that same year, I opened up Crafted Sugar Shop as a way to support my small family since my partner lost his job due to the pandemic. Then unexpectedly, on Dec 30th, 2020, I lost my special needs brother, Diego, to COVID-19 when he was only forty years old. I was at a loss, and I was so depressed that I just wanted to stay in bed, but the mother in me couldn't settle for less for my son, and the sister in me couldn't bear to accept that her family didn't have enough money to pay for her brothers funeral arrangements. Therefore, I did what any baker would do, and I created a bake sale through Crafted Sugar Shop to raise money for Diego, and I haven't stopped creating and growing since. I thank my son for motivating me to want more, and I thank my big brother for teaching me patience. Even though he was nonverbal, he taught me to always fight for what I wanted. No matter what.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

One out of two of my biggest accomplishments as a small business owner is gaining lifelong loyal members. My second biggest accomplishment would be networking with like-minded business owners to collaborate on giveaways and pop-up events.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that come with being a business owner for me is finding the right balance between working, being a mother, and being a partner.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

The best advice I can give someone trying to start their own business is, one, it's normal to feel intimidated; just don't let it consume you. Two, always push yourself to do better than the previous day. That way, you'll always learn something new, and three, take the time to thank and appreciate everyone's team effort and client loyalty.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Crafted Sugar Shop isn't my first small business I tried to open. It's my third, and I'm glad my other two businesses failed. Owning a small business is a great way to grow as a person, but you have to be okay with failure because that's the only way to grow and succeed.

Where can people find you and your business?


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