Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Andy Gossett, Founder of COR Surf, located in Huntington Beach, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Our business is COR Surf. It started primarily as a surf accessory company, making surfboard storage racks for surfers to display their boards. Over the years, COR Surf has grown into an outdoor brand providing outdoor accessories for surfing, paddleboarding, kayaking, travel, camping, and more! We love designing and developing new products that make life easier for people who spend time outdoors. Whether you need a soft towel poncho for your kids swimming lessons or a travel backpack for your travels, we have a little bit for everyone. Our customers love spending time outdoors and with their families. We are a family-run company which is why we not only sell gear for adults but for the entire family!

Tell us about yourself

I started COR Surf in my garage 20 years ago in Seal Beach, CA. I noticed that there wasn't a nice storage rack to display my surfboard in my living room. At that time, the only storage racks you could buy were made from steel and plumbing insulation. I designed a wood display rack that looked great indoors. I started making them for friends and eventually to a few local surf shops around town. As the company grew, I noticed many products missing that could make life easier for surfers. Because I also like many other outdoor activities, I continued to branch out, making products for skateboarding, snowboarding, cycling, travel, kayaking, and more! I grew up in Idaho and spent my winters on the mountain and summers on the river. When I moved to Southern California, the ocean quickly became a natural remedy for those activities I missed in Idaho. Having a diverse background working in different outdoors sports has given me a better understanding of how to make products that will last in any condition.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

It's been a very long journey since I made the first surf rack 20 years ago. But I would say that finally leaving my corporate job and taking on COR Surf has been my greatest accomplishment. So many people are scared to take that leap of faith. It is terrifying, but it's the best decision I made. Having 100% of my time focused on COR Surf allowed the company to grow to its full potential. The exciting part is this is just the beginning!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

When you are an entrepreneur, every day brings a new obstacle. During the pandemic, it seemed as if every day, there was a new crisis. The supply chain was messy; people were not shopping in stores, and orders were getting lost in the mail. It felt like every day; there was a fire to put out. Over time that can be taxing on your mental health. Stress can negatively impact your mental and physical health, as well as impact your friends and family.

The first thing I had to do was change my mindset. Instead of looking at these issues as problems, I decided to take a step back and look and see what I had control over. Focusing on those issues you have control over makes a big difference. I have no control over a UPS delivery, but I can maintain contact with the customer and ensure they have what they need until they are happy. This mindset not only helped relieve some stress but it's helped create new processes for COR Surf to make sure our customers are satisfied.

The second thing is making sure that I'm doing some outdoor activity at least 2-3 times per week to help alleviate the stress. Surfing is a great stress reliever; however, some weeks, there isn't time for surfing, so I will spend time at the gym or set aside some time for some deep breathing exercises. While it's very cliche, I have to say it does help tremendously. Being an entrepreneur is one of the most challenging things you do, so having the right mindset going into your day will make all the difference.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be patient. If you want to build a business that will last and survive economic downturns, you need to take your time and be conservative with your money. Over the last 20 years, I've seen so many companies come and go. The main reason most of those businesses failed, and we survived, is that we were extremely careful with our marketing spend. Focus on the fundamentals and take your time.
  2. Never stop learning. I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts, watching youtube videos, and reading books. The way I look at it, if I can learn one small tip or trick that will make my business more efficient every day, then over time, that adds up. It's important to stay humble and keep learning with an open mind.
  3. Have fun! If you aren't having fun, then why are you doing it? We start our own businesses because we want to have control over our lives. Yes, being an entrepreneur is stressful, but it's also amazing to be your own boss and set your terms on how you want to live your life. Before COR Surf, I worked in the corporate world and was miserable. There is nothing better than coming to my office and blasting the stereo as loud as I want because I can!

Where can people find you and your business?


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