Celebrating Women-Owned Small Businesses: Personal Branding with Bethany Wrede Peterson

Where in the world are you located?
Minneapolis, USA
What is your small business?
Atelier Wrede, a podcast and personal brand messaging consultancy.

Tell us about your journey...
Originally an interior designer, I founded Atelier Wrede in early 2019, as an online design consultancy to help successful single men find their voice and live more authentically at home and in their relationships. I launched my podcast, ARRIVED. in late 2019 to speak directly to these gentlemen, and help my personal brand gain exposure.
I had been a DJ at my college radio station, and have always loved this medium. It’s probably why I chose podcasting over a blog or a YouTube channel. For months before my launch, I Googled, YouTubed, and bootstrapped nearly every aspect of the launch of my own pod. I couldn’t afford to pay an editing service to walk me through/do the intensive launch process. Equally, I procrastinated on nearly every aspect of the launch. That's because I lacked confidence in my own voice, literally and figuratively.
About four months after I finally launched ARRIVED., a peer in my business coaching group approached me about working with him one-to-one to help him launch his own podcast and find his voice in his personal brand. I initially turned him down. I had basically cobbled together my pod and my core messaging. In my estimation, I wasn't exactly an authority on podcasting or personal brand messaging, and imposter syndrome hit hard. But, I had received many five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts, and many compliments from peers on my pod’s professional sound quality, the content I was creating for it, and the quality and curation of guests I’d invited onto the show.
When COVID hit the States last year, my design business dried up due to all the uncertainty. Faced with this uncertain challenge, (and finally realizing that my experience DIYing my own pod could help others save time, money, and take the frustration out of launching a pod – and that in launching my own pod, I found my own voice) I took my peer up on his request.
I firstly devised a 3-part Podcast Launch Strategy Day to help solopreneurs just like me pivot and continue to reach their customers during quarantine – all from the comfort of their own homes. Realizing, however, that one-to-one offerings can be inaccessible to those just starting out, I also created my signature stand-alone podcast launch course, Find Your Voice, to help other solopreneurs and personal brands launch their pod, and work past any blocks of impostor syndrome that might be keeping them from having their own voice heard.
What obstacles have you had to overcome to get to where you, and your business, are today?
I really had to get over my own impostor syndrome and self-doubt and perfectionism; which, I think comes so readily for a lot of women, because we're not necessarily taught to take up space, to be outspoken, or to allow ourselves to experiment and fail without judgment. I had also come from an industry (interior design) where your currency lies in how polished and turned out you are, whether it's your website, your portfolio, or your appearance. It's an industry where you try to fit in – not stand out or make waves. And podcasting asks you to break all these rules.
Equally, there are so many strong women personal brands out there (Jenna Kutcher, Marie Forleo, Rachel Hollis, Melyssa Griffin, Brooke Castillo) – all of whom have insanely successful podcasts, and all of whom work to bolster women small business owners. Some days I would sit on the stinky hamster wheel of comparison and think, "The market is saturated – what value could I bring that’s even a fraction of what these amazing women don’t already offer in spades?" But! I kept going – and keep going – in building my personal brand because I've realized that I'm offering something a bit different than everyone else is. And indulging the imposter syndrome or playing the comparison game, is really only breaking that circle of positive, abundant energy, so to speak. We all have a unique Voice. I couldn't preach it unless I was also practicing it.
What is it about being an entrepreneur that brings you the most joy?
Happy, transformed clients – and playing by my own rules! I love knowing that I've helped another solopreneur or small business owner feel more empowered in their own business. Entrepreneurship is tough stuff – so I love being able to help my peers stand up, be heard, and find that confidence to promote their own business and voice. It's also why I love podcasting – there are no rules; no formulas. When you're a solopreneur, it's all about being nimble, and not getting too attached or stuck in process. It's about iteration, and pivots based upon experiments, learning experiences, failures – and hard-won successes. I've always joked I was utterly unemployable, and I guess that's worked out for me!
Tell us your favorite womxn heroes, feminist icons, people to follow, etc...
Stevie Nicks!; Germaine Greer; Judith Butler; Natasha Khan (Bat For Lashes); Kathrine Switzer; Mel Robbins; Marie Forleo; Jen Sincero. "Period. It's About Bloody Time" by Emma Barnett (@emmabarnett); "WFH: How to Build a Career You Love When You're Not in the Office", by Harriet Minter (@harrietminter); "How to Fail" podcast with Elizabeth Day (@elizabethday); "The Four Tendencies" book and the "Happier" podcast by Gretchen Rubin (@gretchenrubin).
Where can people find you online?
You can find my website at www.atelierwrede.com
I'm also on Instagram so feel free to reach out!
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