Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in marketing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Caitlyn Carlston, Owner of Carlston Creations LLC., located in Jacksonville, FL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Carlston Creations LLC is a digital marketing agency designed to help small businesses and nonprofits elevate their brand and create a solid presence on social media and in their local communities.

Tell us about yourself

I have been an entrepreneur since I was a little girl. I used to make jewelry and sell it at a little booth at the local Octoberfest and smalltown rendezvous. I knew I wanted to work in marketing while in high school and sought after that goal. I got connected to 2 internships right away - 2 summers at a local factory and one school year at another factory. I received my associate degree in one year but struggled with some mental health and left college to pursue my dream through experiences - which worked out for my benefit.

I became the sales and marketing manager for a small iron-casting foundry and met my husband. He was going to be active duty military, and I knew the job market would be rough for me if I married him - but my true goal was to work from home eventually anyways so I could be home with our future kids. I found a job in marketing right away when we were stationed in Jacksonville, Florida, but we also got pregnant right away. Once our daughter was born, we decided for me to stay home -which was hard, and I went through a depression of trying to stay home and not work. But I slowly found clients through Upwork and searched for remote jobs.

In December 2020, I found a contract virtual assistant position with VAUSA®, which helped boost my confidence in building my skills and pushing my own marketing business. Within the past two years, I have found clients mainly through referrals while also working with VAUSA® separately. I have now started my own digital product Etsy shop and working on some other streams of revenue.

My family's future motivates me to continue building my business and experience. I want to be able to support them for when my husband transitions to civilian life. My Christian faith helps guide my strong values and dreams for my business.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

So far, I have tripled my 2021 profits for 2022. I have also solidified my brand and target market - huge accomplishments for being a young business. I have also kept my income consistent and thriving while leaving my clients happy with my work.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I am a work-from-home mom of two toddlers, three and under, with a deployed husband. To grow and provide the best care to my clients, I usually utilize every ounce of free time working on my business. So from 7 pm to midnight, you will find me working away on my laptop to wake up at 7 am the next day to care for our children and household. I utilize nap times from 12-2 for solid work and the occasional tv time. There is a lot of sacrifice for 'fun' or 'relaxing time' - but I know it will be worth it someday.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Get started now. Starting a business does not start overnight, and there will never be the "right time" except for this second. People will judge, laugh, and criticize - but if your goals are pure and your intention is right, then keep doing what you're doing and build something for yourself and your future. Also, if you need some help with marketing, contact me! ;)

Where can people find you and your business?


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