Digital Artist and Video Game Streamer - Brittney Caley

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in digital arts but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Brittney Caley, a digital artist and video game streamer based in Southern MA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm a content creator who specializes in pop culture! I started as a digital artist who sold my prints at conventions and online. With the pandemic hitting hard financially, I transitioned to live streaming art and video games on Twitch, which led to me creating condensed YouTube videos of my live streams. My customers range from nerds to gamers to pop culture enthusiasts.

Tell us about yourself

I'm a freelance digital artist who is happiest when playing games and watching baby panda videos! I went to school for Game Design and Development but had trouble landing a job after I graduated. For the next 3 years, I worked as a customer service representative and learned how to paint digitally on the side. When I had a free weekend, I would sell my art at comic/anime conventions and art fairs. This continued for a few more years until I quit my day job in 2019 and started working for myself full-time!

Seeing people's faces light up when they glance at my art or conversing with them about similar interests gives me huge inspiration to keep going. Many of my art pieces are created as an emotional outlet to help express what words cannot. To know others find enjoyment or relate to the pieces in some way gives me hope and encouragement.

The pandemic caused many conventions/shows to be canceled, so I eventually found myself live-streaming my art on Twitch. I discovered many like-minded people who shared similar enjoyment not only for art but for video games. I tested the waters by live-streaming Final Fantasy XIV, and it took off! I've met so many wonderful people and created lifelong relationships through Twitch. I'm so thankful!

Many of my streams range from 3-6 hours. I know not everyone can come to my live streams, so I started to create digestible, edited videos on YouTube. This whole experience has been eye-opening, rewarding, and a big struggle. But I'm so thankful for the opportunities that have come from my creativity.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

It's funny; my biggest accomplishment is actually what scared me the most, quitting my day job. The transition of losing that security and being my own boss was terrifying. It actually led to quite a few panic attacks, but with help from therapy and my wonderful husband, I have learned how to manage my anxiety. Even through my struggles, the community I have created and the joy of creating what I want have truly been a blessing!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Honestly, being your own boss and wearing all the 'hats' has been a big adjustment. I'm still trying to figure out how to manage my time between being an artist, streamer, YouTuber, accountant, and social media manager. It's a lot! Not to mention how to live outside my work as a wife and friend.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Take care of yourself first! Don't be afraid to give yourself time off and breaks. Your work reflects how you feel; if you're burnt out or emotionally unwell, it can affect what you create.
  2. Don't be afraid to get your revenue from multiple sources. It's hard to get noticed online these days, so being able to 'make it' on one platform is quite difficult. I wouldn't have made it if I had stuck to selling my art at shows during the pandemic. I had to adapt and adjust.
  3. Create what you love! It's so hard not to jump on the hype trains of new trends when you see it working for other people. However, your customers will notice if you're not truly enjoying what you're creating. Trust your gut, and as long as you're enjoying the process, the people around you will too.

Where can people find you and your business?



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