Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kim Nguyen, CEO of Boxed Bites OC LLC., located in Stanton, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Boxed Bites OC services all clients in Orange County, CA. We curate custom cheese and charcuterie orders for your special event and celebration. We believe that some of the best memories are centered around delicious food along with great company. And we are excited to be part of y our celebration!

Tell us about yourself

Hi! I'm Kim, and I am the C(heese)EO of Boxed Bites OC! As cheesy as it sounds, curating orders and creating fun content is something I enjoy doing! Boxed Bites started off with a team of three sisters, and it was one of the best 2 am ideas we've ever had. Although my other two sisters have stepped away at the moment, it is still considered a family business, and we are all so proud of where we are today! I take pride in each creation. It is my commitment to ensure that you have the best experience from start to finish. The moment you contact us, you have already become part of the Boxed Bites Family!

I pride myself on providing state-of-the-art client service, and I am always curating with the client in mind. The client's satisfaction is my #1 priority. The best compliment someone can give me is referring Boxed Bites OC to their friends and family. My client's word of mouth and positive reviews is what motivate me every day to curate and send cheese to their doorstep!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Being a business owner, I must wear many hats, and I am the sole decision-maker in every aspect of the business. I am proud to be a "one-woman show" and still be able to keep my composure and give my business 110% every day. I have been able to set measurable goals for myself, and my biggest accomplishment this year is launching my website. I am so happy to create another revenue stream, and another source of information for Boxed Bites OC and to get this company name out there!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

At the start of Boxed Bites OC, I do not think I ever said the word "no" to anyone or any order request. I wanted to fulfill every order and accommodate everyone, which meant working all hours of the day, seven days a week. I realized that in doing that, I was not being honest to myself and that only made me realize that burnout is real. So after learning the hard way, I am now able to plan better and say "no" to orders that do not align with my schedule. And you know what? My clients are extremely understanding! My biggest fear was that if I said "no," my clients would take their business elsewhere and be unhappy with me. But I realized my clients will always be there, and the orders will always come in. Saying "no" does not make me unsuccessful or does not mean Boxed Bites OC isn't accommodating; it just means we care about our clients and we want to give best efforts and best creations in all that we do.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

My first advice is to be authentic. It is easy to get caught up in wanting to be like the next successful business and wanting to do what they do. But being authentic and being true to your product and your brand is extremely important. Remind yourself why you started in the first place, what motivates you, and what you'd like your imprint to be. Once you have those answers, your authenticity will shine through.

My second piece of advice is that it is ok to have bad ideas, and it is ok to fail. Boxed Bites OC was extremely lucky to get a special shout-out on IG from YelpOC, and that helped launch this small business and helped get our name out there. But before YelpOc posted about Boxed Bites OC and even after, mistakes were made, and I learned from it each time. Making mistakes has made me grow and humbled me, which makes me try harder on the next order or the next client. If you are not learning, then you are just stagnant, and that won't lead to growth for your business or your mindset.

My third piece of advice is to be kind. It costs you nothing to be kind in any business, large or small. You need to be kind to your suppliers, clients, fellow business partners, and those in the same industry as you. I have learned so much from the Cheese and Charcuterie Community. We have built a small group of people supporting each other and uplifting each other. Being kind goes a long way because you never know when you will need someone, and you never know when someone will speak about you in a room full of opportunities. It is always community over competition, and at the end of the day, I am putting meats and cheese on a board. We did not invent this in the last century, and this dates back to the beginning of who knows when, but I can assure you it wasn't invented in 2022. So I am just happy to have a seat at the table when it comes to food styling!

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I am so thankful for this opportunity to share a little about myself and Boxed Bites OC. It is always nice to dream big, and I would love to one day have over 100k followers and perhaps curate for a celebrity. But I will never discount or minimize what I have today. I could never imagine that an idea at 2 am on a summer night in 2020 would spring into almost 4k followers on IG and having the opportunity to meet so many new loyal clients who have become friends. Every day, it amazes me that people are considering Boxed Bites OC to be part of their celebration when they can choose anyone else. They have chosen us! And for that, I am forever grateful!

Where can people find you and your business?


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