Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Marie France Mésilas Severe, Founding Manager of Bouillon de Saveurs, located in Montreal, QC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are a Haitian restaurant. Our customers are primarily Haitian, but we serve all types of people.

Tell us about yourself

It was always a dream of mine to be an entrepreneur and to have my own business. Cooking comes naturally to me; when I decided to quit my corporate job, opening a restaurant was a no-brainer.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment has been surviving our first year. It's no secret that more than 50% of restaurant close after the first year. We opened our restaurant at the end of 2019, right before the pandemic, and that was a constant fear.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things about being a business owner is all the unexpected expenses.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Having a circle of friends that are entrepreneurs as well is motivating.
  2. Don't be afraid to seek professional help, especially when it comes to optimizing your business and your resources.
  3. Don't forget to rest and delegate.

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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