Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Mac Marsh, founder and CEO of Boss Defrost, located in Denver, CO, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Boss Defrost is a revolutionary kitchen technology. Boss Defrost mimics the USDA's approved "running water method" to thaw frozen food; however, it eliminates the water waste by 98.5%. For those unfamiliar with the "running water method," the practice is to put frozen food in a sink and let the water run over the food until the food is thawed. The USDA states that for every pound of food, the water needs to be running for an hour to safely thaw. On a typical day, a commercial kitchen can waste thousands of gallons of water per day just to thaw frozen food. That's one kitchen! Now multiply that by all the commercial kitchens across the United States. This process accounts for around Half a Billion Gallons of freshwater a day! At the core of Boss Defrost's mission, we want to give food service operations everywhere the power to make a positive impact on the world by preserving fresh water and transforming a wasteful industry practice into a sustainable one.

Tell us about yourself

The invention of Boss Defrost came when I was working around commercial kitchens. Every time I would come up to the kitchen, I would notice there was a faucet continually running over frozen food. This drove me crazy because this faucet would be running for hours on end. I was determined to create a more efficient way to accomplish this same task. Realizing that this practice has gone on for ages, it was time to revamp and transform it. So, I started 3D Printing prototypes to make my vision come to life. I would give the prototypes to cooks for them to test the product out. As they used it, I would come up with modifications and different iterations to improve the product. I probably went through a dozen prototypes before I landed on a product that I was confident with to take to market. What motivates me every day is knowing that every Boss Defrost out there is saving fresh water and that it's having an immediate impact on our environment and the world around us.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is that Boss Defrost is transforming an outdated industry business practice and making the world a better place. Freshwater is arguably our most important resource, and it's vital that we preserve it for generations to come. Boss Defrost is a tool that helps make that possible.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Boss Defrost is a first-to-market product. The biggest challenges are bringing education and awareness around our product and also bringing light to what is going on behind the scenes in kitchens. Unless you have worked in a kitchen, you are probably unaware of the "running water method" and how often it happens.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Build a good team. Have passion behind what you do. Never lose sight of your vision.

Where can people find you and your business?


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