A mother-daughter duo creating highly body care products - Sade Baron
Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in cosmetics, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Rachel Lambo, the co-founder of Sade Baron, body care products in Canada.
Tell us all about your business...
We are a mother-daughter duo creating highly effective and concentrated body care products that make your skin feel great. Our formulations deliver nutrients deeply into the skin and the carefully selected ingredients enrich the skin with vitamins, omega 3/6/9 fatty acids and polyphenols.
We started off as customers, and we remember how hard it was to find clean body care that had healthy ingredients and was super effective. Now, we are creating what we could not buy in stores. We are truly passionate about creating quality products and make a difference in peoples lives.
What's your background and motivation to grow as a business owner?
Well my mother, Sade was a big inspiration to start a business together. Sade always had a very good sense for business and entrepreneurship but many years ago there were so many barriers as women to start companies. Sade is also a nurturer a registered nurse and midwife and has learned so many things in her 35 years helping and being there for patients. My mother helped a lot of family and friends with skin related issues, and even myself and my siblings as children which made a massive difference.
I think creating products that matter and help with quality of life is so rewarding to us both. I think a motivation was to create something from scratch and seeing it grow and evolve has always been a fascinations. Both myself and Sade wanted to create a women-run business, that is family oriented and creates unique products for all skin types, and genders.
What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?
I think failure and being able to get up again and do it again. Over and over until you find solutions, opportunities and gaps and ideas on how to solve this challenge or problem. I think success is another one, but really comes from having failed at times, and determining that it wouldn't hinder you to move ahead.
What's one of the hardest things that come with being an entrepreneur?
Not having enough time, or not being able to have control of all facets of your business. There is just not enough time. Creating a team that you can rely on this the hardest thing to make happen and maintain. Being a good leader, and providing feedback, encouragement, and direction, and listening to new concepts, ideas and opportunities and views.
What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run or grow a small business today?
Just do it! Many times we wait so long that things pass us by. Take action, create a checklist or plan and stick to it. Make adjustments as you get more information or data points that tell you otherwise. Lastly, don't give up and stay consistent.
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Listen to podcasts, I love NPR How I built this, this podcast is absolutely motivating and inspiring. It also tells me time and time again that people make amazing companies, products or services happen. There is no such thing as overnight success. Sometimes when you feel defeated or super little, just know you have to start from somewhere. Keep dreaming and put it into action everyday.
Where can people find you online?
If you like what you've read here and have your own story as an entrepreneur or business coach that you'd like to share, then email community@subkit.com; we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.
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