Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in jewelry but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Pamela Forman, Owner of Bluemoonstone Creations, located in Providence, RI, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Bluemoonstone Creations is a jewelry business of handcrafted Sterling Silver and 18K Gold Vermeil jewelry designed by me in my studio in Providence, RI. While specializing in Rainbow Moonstones, I also incorporate Tibetan Turquoise, Labradorite, and other semi-precious gemstones from India, Tibet, and the Baltic Region, naturally infused with beneficial healing properties to enlighten the spirit, bringing harmony, balance, love, and protection. Most of all, each piece is meant to create personal self-expression, adorn the body, and radiate beauty. My customers are mostly women of all ages. As one of my loyal customers quoted,

“I can’t remember the last time since I gasped with awe and sheer delight upon opening up a package, and I have done so many times when opening up the boxes of your beautiful, beautiful jewelry! I am especially amazed at your jewelry collection’s inter-generational appeal, plus how all the pieces mix and match so immensely well, and also how the pieces can be worn either with a casual outfit or a much more elegant, more formal outfit: I can wear your jewelry so easily with jeans and a T-shirt or equally easy with a nice business outfit, like a fine blazer and slacks! KUDOS TO YOU, PAMELA, FOR CREATING SUCH An AMAZING JEWELRY COLLECTION!!”- Laura

Tell us about yourself

I graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design as an Illustrator and fell into the world of jewelry, where I was a senior designer for 15 years. After traveling to Bali a few times on yoga retreats, I had an epiphany that I could branch away and start my own line by connecting with skilled artisans there who could handcraft my designs. I returned home and immediately began renderings of my first collection. With my lifelong love of Moonstones, I decided to base my collection around my favorite gemstone. After a year and a half of preparations, in 2012, I launched Bluemoonstone Creations. Since then, I have returned to Bali each year to work closely with my team of artisans when I design my new collections. My passion for designing jewelry and running my business has remained strong for 11 years now, and I wake up each day feeling excited to work.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment is building up my business from nothing, starting with my first designs of 32 Sterling Silver pieces and expanding to over 170 Sterling Silver and 18K Gold Vermeil pieces in my collection. I had become unhappy with my job, and I feel a huge sense of gratitude that I was able to create a whole new life of happiness for myself. Falling in love with Bali, I was able to create a situation where I would be able to return each year, and when working at home (which I love), I was able to create my own schedule and be my own boss. Another accomplishment that benefited my business was being invited to host over 230 Trunk Shows at Bloomingdales.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner is having to wear so many hats. Aside from being the sole designer of my jewelry, I also design my advertisements and my website, shoot all of my product photos, manage my website and Etsy shop, communicate with my customers and buyers, manage my inventory, Quickbooks and bookkeeping, plan and oversee my model shoots, edit my model photos, set up and sell at many shows, and oversee my team of artisans. I am very busy and work a lot… That being said, I love every minute of it and am thankful every day that I have created this situation to be able to do it.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Follow your passion. If you are not happy in your current situation, really think about what you would rather be doing and take a small step each day towards reaching that goal. Imagine yourself living the life you would want to live, and then go for it!
  2. Be ready to work hard. Some people think that owning your own business is a way to work less, but it is the opposite. Be prepared to work more, but know that if you love what you are doing, then it will not feel like work at all.
  3. Don’t lose faith. There may be discouraging days when things are not going well, but don’t give up. Keep looking forward and take on the challenges. Usually, the pitfalls lead you to a better place and make your business stronger in the long run. If one door closes, usually, another one will open towards a better path. Always be open to the twists and turns that will lead your business up the hill.

Where can people find you and your business?


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