Freshest Portable Washrooms in BC - Blue Jay Rentals

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in rental business but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Christopher Bradbury, co-owner of Blue Jay Rentals, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Blue Jay Rentals is the preeminent luxury washroom trailer provider in British Columbia focused on offering washrooms primarily in the event industry. Our goal is to remove the taboo around ordering portable washrooms and help make outdoor events enjoyable from every aspect. Every successful event has good food, good music, and good drinks, but with all of those comes one vital puzzle piece, trusted washrooms. Blue Jay Rentals aims to surprise and delight every guest we interact with, making connecting with others in the post-pandemic era stress-free. Our customers are not just the brides, grooms, and planners who book with us but every single person they invite to their event. We want people to want to be curious about our product, and for all the right reasons: cleanliness, modern look, ease of use, running water, heating and A/C, and overall curb appeal.

Tell us about yourself

I was diagnosed with Colitis as a child. Living with a bowel disease makes you realize just how inaccessible a clean and sanitary washroom can be sometimes. COVID-19 amplified this market need. Weddings and community events were postponed, and people were shifting to outdoor options to keep their guests feeling safe. This trend is here to stay. People have realized that the great outdoors is a perfect backdrop to any celebration. As an accountant with 10+ years of corporate experience, I launched Blue Jay Rentals with the goal of helping others feel safe and secure when attending events. I am continuously motivated by our ability to ‘surprise and delight’ our clients. When they (the client) see our washroom trailers show up at their house or venue and when they experience our incredible service level, they are often in disbelief. We engage with our clients with honesty and integrity. We know that we get to play an important, often overlooked, piece to a successful family celebration.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

In 2022 we exceeded our sales target. Coming out of the pandemic, there was a lot of uncertainty. But we partnered with experts, put in a ton of work, and kept our promises to every client. We learned that not every client experience is perfect, and the best way to make it perfect is, to be honest and fair and always find ways to over-deliver to make the experience memorable.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Managing risk and balancing opportunity continues to be the focal point for us. We are constantly presented with decision points that require us to balance out every aspect of the business. Attempting to grow a business fast requires a high degree of accuracy in planning. We have learned that we cannot do everything. With limited resources, we learned that we need to stay true to our goals, and that often means stepping back and reassessing an opportunity and sometimes saying no. We have had to say no to certain investment options, clients and partnerships. But these have kept other doors open for more favourable paths moments later. We have learned to trust our instincts and remember that we are in control.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Run the numbers. Then run them a few times more. Having an accurate financial outlook will allow you to feel confident about future decisions.
  2. Stay true to your goals. When you have to make fast, impactful decisions, having a goal framework allows you to check alignment.
  3. Network: Entrepreneurs, competitors, investors, partners, family, and friends. Everyone has a part to play in your story if you are open to help. Opportunities are everywhere.

Where can people find you and your business?


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