Boost Your Confidence & Health - beU Complete

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tansy Rodgers, Founder of beU Complete, located in Lititz, PA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I define my business as a whole holistic wellness experience — I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Personal Trainer, Physical Therapist Assistant, Energy Healer, Health Coach, and podcaster/speaker. In my work, everything is energy! I focus on helping high-achievers, driven personalities, and self-labeled Type A personalities learn how to balance life out so that they can step deeper into feeling more confident, more energetic, and deeper healing. Through nutritional therapy, body movement, and lifestyle coaching, I help my clients learn what may be holding them back from feeling their best, what they can do to change that, and how they can start to rewire their mindset at the same time. I am also an energy healing in which I work with crystal healing, Reiki, and trapped emotion release. I also have a custom, hand-made therapeutic crystal jewelry line that I create and sell to help people bridge the gap and heal on a deeper level. I also have a podcast called The Energy Fix.

Tell us about yourself

I have always loved to help people and to help people feel seen, held, and healed. It was my calling from a young age. But it wasn't until my late teens and into my twenties that my passion for this grew even deeper due to own health hurdles that I experienced. After navigating massive depression and gut health issues and learning how to manage my own Type A personality, I realized that this was my life purpose — often, your experiences lead you to your path. This was true for me. I had much work to do around being a woman and allowing myself to step into my personal empowerment. My journey inspired me to help others on a similar path. As I started to pull in different tools to help others heal on their journey, I started to rediscover many loves of mine, like crystals and psychology, and art. This helped me to create the work that I do today. What motivates me to keep going is the changes and transformations that I see my clients have each and every day! Knowing that I can help, even on the smallest minute levels, keeps me pushing on! On a personal level, I love the outdoors and being active, animals of all kinds (especially cats!!), music, art, good food, and anything metaphysical. I have embraced and really sinked into my spiritual life over the past few years, and I feel that this is what has helped me grow so quickly on my own personal path and journey!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is finally launching my podcast. I could really pick so many other things, but my podcast was a piece that defined my growth as a person and a business owner. I had so much fear about using my voice and being so vulnerable and raw — allowing myself to really be seen — that the podcast was a huge hurdle for me. I had all the equipment and the launch idea for over a year before I had the courage to do it. When I did, it catapulted me into my next phase as a business owner!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

As a business owner, you never truly have a day of not stepping out of your comfort zone. The hardest thing about being a business owner is that you are forced to look at your fears and insecurities directly in the face and walk into them. You are pushed out of your comfort zone and challenged to do something uncomfortable all the time. Even when you don't feel like it. Becoming a business owner has helped me grow as a woman on levels so deep that I am incredibly grateful for my business merely because of what it did to help me in my own personal growth.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Allow yourself to work through the fears and emotions that pop up at all stages of your business. This is so important because as you move through the stages, fears, emotions, and limiting beliefs are going to rear their ugly heads. That's normal! Allowing yourself to see them, feel them, work through them, and let them go is going to help you in your business tenfold.
  2. Take the rest days. Hustle and grind are totally over-rated and can make you completely burned out and sick. Make sure that you balance your work, regardless of the stage that you are at. Taking care of yourself as a business owner is not emphasized enough. Rest, exercise, eat healthily, take vacations, and prioritize relationships — this changes your energy and changes the game that you are playing in your business.
  3. Listen to your intuition. Your intuition is always talking to you and guiding you on the best path for YOU. Sometimes the best path is not going to make sense on paper. But that doesn't mean it is wrong. Listen to that silent voice within you and what it is trying to tell you. Push away the ego. This will also help you be more authentic in your work, and authenticity always guides you toward the right path!

Where can people find you and your business?


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