Mental Health Care Made for You - Bespoke Treatment

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Ben Spielberg, Founder of Bespoke Treatment, located in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Bespoke Treatment is an integrative psychiatric clinic specializing in creating personalized treatment plans for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. In particular, we tend to mix specialty services such as TMS and ketamine therapy with more traditional treatment modalities like talk therapy and medication management.

Tell us about yourself

I started working on this business because, at the time, there were no offices in the country that offered the full spectrum of psychiatric care under one roof - in particular, there was no office that had psychiatry, TMS, ketamine therapy, and an intensive outpatient program all in the same place. The result was that care ended up being "splintered," and patients with mental health disorders ended up suffering. Their providers weren't communicating well amongst each other, patients had to endure long waiting lists every time there was a change in their treatment plans, and they were mostly left to deal with insurance issues independently. I continue to be motivated daily, particularly when we hear about just how difficult each patient's path was to get to our office and how seamless the experience has been with us. By the time patients come to us, they've typically seen multiple psychiatrists and therapists in the past. They have been suffering for years, if not decades.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Hearing from patients that our core values have been shown in their experience at Bespoke Treatment. We try to approach our mission of making high-quality mental health treatments more accessible with transparency, integrity, and expertise.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Ignoring the negative self-talk. Being a business owner can feel like you're in a constant battle with yourself, and you have to make highly impactful decisions in times of great uncertainty. There is almost always a voice in my head that doubts the decisions I make, questions the direction of my organization, and tells me to give up pretty regularly. I can't quiet it, but I've gotten better at ignoring it.

Do you have daily rituals for work / wellness / fitness / mindfulness? If yes can you please explain your rituals so we can include them as well?

I tend to start my workday early to get some focus time. As a CEO and business owner, I often find myself pulled in multiple directions throughout the day to problem-solve. It can be difficult to find sustained work periods without interruption. Early morning starts help me take care of the day's must-do tasks before the rest of the team gets in.

No matter how busy I am, I'm walking. It's the best way to get consistent exercise and reclaim my focus. I make it a point to take a break from my desk and get outside to walk throughout the day. Depending on my schedule, I'll unplug and walk the dog around the block or multitask and take calls.

I make it a point to eat to fuel my brain and body and to stay hydrated. Nutrition is personal, but I feel and think my best when I steer clear of refined sugar and focus on eating consistently. I still enjoy carryout and quick-grab snacks, but I gravitate towards options that pack a protein punch.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Start now.
  2. Data (customer feedback, staff observations, KPIs) is gold, especially in the beginning.
  3. Think about your value proposition from the perspective of your customer.

Where can people find you and your business?

LinkedIn (Business):
LinkedIn (Personal):

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