Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in music but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Melissa Jordano, Co-Owner of Backtrack Vocals, based in New York City, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a co-owner of Backtrack Vocals, a 5-person a cappella group based in New York City. The group takes the stage internationally at performing arts centers, corporate and private events, music festivals, schools, and more. We infuse heart and humor into every performance, and our versatile repertoire, including Top 40, Motown, classical, show tunes, original music, and more, ensures that there is something for everyone.

Tell us about yourself

I never imagined I would be a professional performer and a small business owner. Growing up, I loved to sing, act, and dance, but I never considered a job as an artist an actual possibility for myself. I attended Johns Hopkins University, where I majored in Film & Media Studies and minored in Applied Mathematics & Statistics and Entrepreneurship & Management. The highlight of my college experience was performing with JHU's competitive a cappella group, Octopodes. After graduating in 2014, I landed a prestigious job as an Actuarial Associate at Prudential Financial Inc., and I thought my life was set. However, I quickly found that stability and money mean little if your work is not fulfilling.

I went looking for a creative outlet and found Backtrack Vocals, an a cappella group started by Northwestern graduates in 2013 for the sole purpose of creating music videos for YouTube. When I joined in 2015, the group was looking to get into live performance, and we quickly started getting bookings in and around New York City. I loved making music again, and I also loved being a part of a small team where my actions could have real and immediate consequences. Today, I am the most senior member of Backtrack, establishing it as an LLC in 2016 and quitting my day job in 2017.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Backtrack Vocals is passionate about arts education, and conducting outreach programs for young aspiring artists is the most fulfilling part of the job for me. The group has performed and conducted workshops at over 200 schools. Our programming is inclusive and aims to help each student find and develop their own voice. They appeal to the kid who is writing songs on a napkin in the cafeteria, the musical theatre student who has memorized the entire soundtrack of "Dear Evan Hansen," and the aspiring beatboxer trying out new sounds in front of the mirror. We're inspired by the students we meet, and it's humbling to hear about the lasting impacts of our visits.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I am proud of the fact that Backtrack is a full-time performing group and that it allows the five of us to do what we love for a living. That said, one of the hardest things about being a business owner is the pressure that comes with being responsible for everyone's livelihood. This can be stressful due to the uncertain nature of the music industry, but it is also one of the things that pushes me to work hard every day.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Do your research.
  2. Create a business plan.
  3. Know that the path to success is not linear and failure is an inevitable and important part of running a business.

Where can people find you and your business?


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